Should I have won?


コメント (2)
  • nah i gotta vent about this too because now I'm mad The loadout we had for a triumvirate was charger, tri-stringer, charger, and explosher. we took down horrorboros in the first 40 seconds while only using 2 out of 8 supers then we go for the megalodontia cheese and we successful are able to kill cohozuna with 20 seconds left on the clock and megalodontia has like 7.5k health left out of 44k. ALMOST EVERYONE DIES IN 1 MEGOLADONTIE ATTACK. luckily the one person who lied had a booyah bomb and so they used it just for them to DIE BECAUSE MEGLODONTIE WAS TARGETING THEM. IT WAS FREE BRO WE HAD 20 SECONDS TO DO 7.5K HEALTH AND U FUMBLE THA-