Published 2024-04-21

All Comments (21)
  • Fascinating! The precision and efficiency are truly impressive feats.
  • Love the collapsible solar roof. It could be used as a veranda cover for homes to cool in summer to help aircon energy requirements
  • @odonovan
    3:27 - "Additionally, the airbag prevents the rider from being catapulted over the handlebars, in a frontal collision." 3:20 & 3:40 - The crash dummy is thrown over not only the handlebars, but OVER THE ENTIRE CAR! OOPS!!! You lied! 9:16 - A range of 5,000 km per YEAR??? That's going to be the laziest truck driver in the world, only driving about 100 km (62 miles) per week (allowing for a two week vacation).
  • 17:17 The recumbent motorcycle would be so much better if it had a removable weather enclosure so you could ride in rsin & cold.
  • @brahmburgers
    Fascinating info. However, it sounds like the narration is AI, and I don't like robot voices.
  • @AtomicLobotomy
    I didn't see anything I could use. I guess levitating trains would be useful, as Americans haven't figured out how to keep trains on the tracks.
  • The Ligeti Stratos ultralight had been invented over 40 years ago in Australia, it took the ultralight world by surprise back then by its efficient design. Due to the death of its Inventor , the release of the aircraft to the market did not take place. Its most interesting features was its enclosed cockpit and the abillity to be put onto a trailer (sideways) without having to disemble any parts.
  • @vkorchnoifan
    Have we lost confidence in Nuke power? Solar and wind power is not enough.
  • @simonbroberg969
    Well glad I managed to work while I had the chance, they can remove all warehouse staff anad fork lift drivers, meaning they can be more effecient... more unemployed and homeless due to no one having any work, and less people with the cash to buy the products to. Great stuff eh? (Note the hi rackers at Sint Thatcham were fully automatic, they always got sabotaged and that was back in the 1980s)
  • @eatshiy
    Just more proof that the world is getting dumber by the second!😖😖
  • @gary9693
    I wonder who writes the dialogue It would take to long to cover all the inaccurate info, But a simple hint is If an aircraft has a motor IT is not a Glider
  • @dandai7738
    Northfield?? really! The facility has been around since the early 1970'S
  • @cgage_01
    This cable star system looks very much like Walt Disney's "People Mover" system. Finally put into use? I hope so it is a very efficient system