Cop Hidden in Shadows - I/O K-Band Radar

Two firsts in this video. 1) First time I've seen a Vestavia Cop sit in that location. 2) First time I've seen Vestavia use K-band. They also rarely use Instant On (I/O). I didn't see him till it would have been too late, but I wasn't really in the lane he was after, he did pop someone just as I passed. Then on the way back later he had left his spot and popped me going 39 in a 40PSL with I/O K-Band. :)

コメント (7)
  • I see you playing around with those cops. lol Keep up the good work.
  • @Broker205
    I have seen them run radar over the top of the hill by Brookwood. In fact back in 2009 I got a ticket from a motorcycle officer as I was headed southbound towards the Temple. He was down off of that side road that comes into 31 from the apartments and condos. I was going uphill one morning running late to a commercial property inspection and he zapped me. I went to a defensive driving course to keep it off of my record, and keep my driving record clean.
  • can you tell ne if 24.077 can be a really k band alert have you seen any that low