Published 2016-11-07

All Comments (21)
  • @fernandop00
    Is anyone else at the point where they feel like crying but you just physically can’t, all you can do is sit there and feel your heart being torn apart bit by bit
  • @minimushers6895
    It’s hard having one friend. And your not even there favourite
  • why have I tuned into such a sad person. I take antidepressants and have anxiety and my dads an alchoholic and I’m so over not knowing who I am, I survived my suicide attempt and no one knows about it, I’ve been 3 weeks clean from self harm. I just want to be happy.
  • This song is not just a general sense of sadness- the whole song and especially the instrumental at the beginning feel like a melancholic acceptance of the knowledge that you're currently just a background character in a life you're supposed to lead to the very fullest. It's the feeling of loving somebody who doesn't love you as much, it's the wish to live better but not knowing how, it's a lonely sunset in the fields, it's a somber, bitter peace of mind and fluorescent lights in the night.
  • @kayleeloyd2771
    i feel so empty. im not even sad anymore, i am so tired. i just want to die peacefully in my room.
  • @Anonymous19091
    Hey future me. Hopefully life went pleasant for you over the next few years. Me -2019
  • @nightlight8124
    Dear future me: I hope you were able to get over him, I hope you were able to find love within yourself and others without feeling undeserving. I hope you stopped grieving over the boy whose heart wasn’t yours to begin with. And most of all I hope you’re happy.
  • @jbfko
    i’ll come back to this when i’m okay
  • I'm laying on my bed, I can't stop thinking about how painless it would be to just end. It would be so good to finally be free.
  • @xx.Jessicaxx
    That one line “every stranger makes me feel safer and every person seems more beautiful” that just resonates with me so deeply for some reason