Celebrities were asked if they believe in GOD….THIS WAS THEIR ANSWER!

Published 2015-11-16

All Comments (21)
  • @trishahunter5
    Hmm... "They praise Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me, says the Lord!"
  • @ImZiggy_YT
    Just think of how many people said “god…” and actually meant “Satan”? Only those who proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, and even then you will know who’s heart is in Him by their fruits.
  • @bethelgrace4490
    A preacher in Uganda said; 3 surprises we will find in Heaven 1. People you didn’t expect to make it …. 2. People you thought HAVe to be there & are not😭 3. Seeing your self there. May God help us to finish well. Mathew 25:23
  • @nuckingfuts3017
    Just because they say God doesn't mean it's the right one. Many of them call Satan their God..
  • @trobace
    The Bible says the devil also believes. So is it enough to say you believe?
  • @tac3016
    All I can say is, "you will know them by their fruits..." Some of these celebrities' I would question 🤔
  • Remember folks, God wants to have a relationship not just lip service. Spend time getting to know God, he loves us and he wants us to love him. To love him is to obey him and have faith in Him.
  • @MattMelson657
    Many of these celebrities worship a different god, the god of this world the devil, not Jesus Christ.
  • It's not just about believing in God, it's about turning away from our sins with the help of God's Holy Spirit, being cleansed by the blood of Jesus, and trusting in him as our Lord and Savior! 🔥
  • @babyrenee6537
    Love these quotes.. amazing to still find such humble uncorrupt beliefs among a generally secular industry. "Whosoever acknowledges me before others I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whosoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven." Matt 10:32 God is love +
  • @alextagbo7504
    Not only believing in God but accepting Christ as their personal Lord and saviour✔💯
  • @Davidg1t1
    Be wise in what you believe and who you trust. Discernment is a great thing!
  • @bjspranger
    I was hoping for so many more but thankful for these who are truly a child of God through our Lord Jesus Christ!
  • ‭‭-Matthew‬ ‭7:21‬ “Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter.”
  • @love-ne5vn
    These heartfelt writings are these folks' greatest accomplishments..." Only what's done for Christ will last" (And Outlast time.)
  • @Ryanjoned163
    8 years clean and sober by the Grace of God to God be the glory and praise completely cleans amen to that
  • @hopeberry3846
    Many people believe in God but only some actually follow Him & worship Him. Satan believes in God but is also his worst enemy. To be a true believer you have to have a relationship with Him & worship Him through everything!