Marble Hornets makes Slender Man scary Part 2

Part 2 of my 2 part Marble Hornets video
Made with help from my pal, CNS

コメント (21)
  • Random Marble Hornet fact: The original creator, Troy, had planned on the series ending at Season 1. It would end with Jay nearly getting in a car crash with the Operator. I don't know about y'all, but I'm so glad they never made that!
  • @STANNco
    my theory: The operator really thought their student film was that bad
  • @S-C-A-G-S
    Who would of known taking meds would make the scary faceless beings go away? Marble Hornets is just if schizophrenia/dementia had a multiplayer update. 💀 Still one of my favorite youtube series to this day, though.
  • @NoSou1L
    I loved the part when the Operator said “it’s operating time” and operated all over the place
  • @__crispyyyy
    I thought he was called the operator cuz he just teleports people everywhere, like he's a train operator. Imagine bro is just an eldritch uber driver.
  • @mr_yoru5834
    I love how Tim starts out deranged, and then you learn he's a victim like everyone else. He's probably the best character in the series.
  • @BeyondBaito
    What freaks me out about Marble Hornets is that Jay, Alex, and Nick, all look like people I knew growing up. They look very generic but that adds to how scary it is.
  • @BeyondBaito
    I think the reason The Operator sides with Alex is because so far Alex has been a good source for getting more people infected. He made a film that had his friends around and it started with Tim, but realized "Hey this Alex guy is spreading me around more to more people"
  • What I love about this series is that the operator has such an oppressive presence. Whenever he’s on screen, you feel scared, you feel in danger. His lack of movement, outside of rare situations almost makes him more like an apparition, not a being. You don’t know what he is, every time he’s on screen there is major visual and audio distortion, and none of the characters are ever able to harm him. When he’s there, the whole mood changes. Without any music or anything. He’s not a person, he is that sudden change of mood when you feel the wind suddenly blow through your hair on a summer day, and a cloud goes in front of the sun. He is uncomfortable, and creepy. When he’s used in a dark background, he’s hard to spot because of his black and white design. At points you start to question if a simple tree and some sunlight could be him in the background. He always keeps you on edge. Masterfully done.
  • @Ydav735
    I think that the Operator has no true origin. And that he gains power by people trying to answer what he is. When you look back to how he originally acted he would just briefly flash in the background of a video and make you question what he was. Later as Jay started his investigation the operator grew in power as more questions started popping up.
  • Honestly, I think Tim had the best performance in this series. Especially in his moments of pure, raw emotion. Like the moment where he argues with Jay, you really could feel the anger and pure hatred that Tim had against Jay because of how Jay just pretty much ruined his life by bringing back memories that either Tim had forgotten, probably was aware of and wanted to suppress, or just things in the past that he knew he would have to address or face at some point but didn't want to confront. Tim was angry because he was getting back to having a stable, normal life, and Jay just fucked all of that up for him by dragging Tim back into Jay's investigation. Another moment that I really liked was Tim's emotional breakdown at the hospital, like that scene is a punch to the heart, seeing Tim blaming himself for everything that has happened, wondering that if he never appeared in Alex's, Jay's, Brian's, and rest of the cast of Marble Hornet's lives, they probably would have been able to live normal lives and more importantly still be alive. Like honestly, I'd say that Tim was the character I connected to the most because I have felt those same emotions myself. Especially the more self-destructive ones.
  • @Here-For-You
    What really impresses me, besides the acting, is the amount of set pieces they’re able to work with. They have access to so many amazing sets and it adds so much.
  • @TheMegaramS
    I love how when alex is at the park he runs at the operator ready to THROW DOWN
  • My theory, about hoodie and maskie is that they are trying to kill the operator via the means of killing all that know (of) it, therefore killing the chance of new people encountering whatever it is
  • @kupkate04
    Well, I definitely think totheark consisted of three people (this is backed up with the "who am i, the third" line) but the real mystery is that nobody really knows who that third person was. We know, obviously, that Hoody was a major contributor in the final two seasons, and we know that Masky was associated, and was active a lot in season one. But the other one? Who could it be? Alex said that everyone from the Marble Hornets crew was dead. But was that really true? The third person - the founding member of totheark, the one who got Brian involved - was Seth. It makes the most sense out of everyone. When Alex 'killed' him in the basement, he only THOUGHT he was dead. Seth managed to get away and recognize Alex for what he was after that and slowly started working to uncover the secrets of everything. He saw that Jay created the Marble Hornets channel and made totheark as a way to communicate with him. Seth does not appear often. He only has a little bit of dialogue. But what did he say in Entry #54? "Oh yeah, pouring rain. Awesome." The creators could have had him say ANYTHING, but it's about the RAIN. And what is a massive theme in totheark videos? Oh yeah, water. Heck, the word 'ark' instantly brings to mind the flood. One of the first videos is even called "Deluge". There's a lot more evidence to back this up but I don't wanna type it all into a comment lol. Night Mind's Marble Hornets: Explained series honestly talks about EVERYTHING and ties up so many loose ends, and it all makes sense. It explains motives and timelines and everything else in between. Totally recommend it! Also great video haha. Your commentary is highly entertaining. (And Tim is an adorable sass queen, how could anyone NOT love him?)
  • @DandyDan03
    I love Night Minds take on this series the most, Tim having no "masky state", and literally just being a mask he wears makes it more interesting for me
  • I honestly think Brian's motivation was nearly identical to Alex's, when he found out Tim was patient zero he felt betrayed, kept calling him a liar, but he knew what Tim was like without his meds. Hoodie needed the meds to quell the coughing fits, but he never lost his mind, but he knew Tim was unstable and fully took advantage of him. I think thats why Jessica and Tim get to live by the end of the series, they never took advantage of anyone and only wanted to do the right thing even if they were scared or angry, where as Alex, Brian and even Jay were all manipulators at the end of the day, they used people and got what was coming to them. Tim has lived with illness his entire life, but he refused to let anyone else get hurt because of that, Alex, Brian and Jay however were all desperate for a cure, an answer, one they were willing to use others to get.
  • I think it's pointless to debate what the Operator is. It could be a ghost, alien, ultra dimensional being, but none of that matters. Any "backstory" for Slenderman never stuck, because explaining the monster takes away its fear factor. The second you know what you're dealing with, you can figure out how to beat it. The best monsters are the ones that can't be explained rationally, rather what we do know is what they represent or mean for the plot/characters. The scariest thing is the unknown, and I'm so glad they didn't try to give the Operator a cheesy backstory or explanation.