Operation Slippery Puppet ft. Plinth | 10000 subscribers special

Publicado 2022-04-11
I can't believe I edited this in one day
Thanks for 9.5k subs šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
From Dimension 20's A Starstruck Odyssey: S1E13
available on dropout.tv
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Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @Rylee_G
    Hey guys making this took a year off my life but I wanted to do a sort of 'almost 10k subs' special. Polodio is the next comp šŸ’– i love you all so much and thank you for sticking with me and supporting me it means so much to me and really helped me make it through my seasonal depression this last winter. Ya'll the best. *edit- I half expected this video to bomb, I'm really glad ya'll like it šŸ„° *edit- Polodio is gonna take a w h I L e **update I finished it! https://youtu.be/kcX12yqdrLI
  • @technobeagle9598
    As Brennan once said ā€œEmily is the best DnD player Iā€™ve ever met and also she was sent from hell to kill meā€
  • @Fallenemiko
    The way murph was like ā€œno Iā€™m good to stay hereā€ while everyone else was like ā€œNAH WE GOTTA GET YOU OUTTA THEREā€ bc he was the only one who DIDNT READ THE TEXTS
  • @hotelmario510
    Emily misdirecting Brennan by getting him to concentrate on the thermal detonators rather than the fragmentation device is some of the best D&D I have ever seen anyone play
  • @thebadpoet
    My favorite part of this is how you can see Brennan physically relax after he shuts down Riva hopping from drone to drone. That so obviously should have been what ā€˜slippery puppetā€ meant and it was just another beautiful bit of misdirection. Just stunning.
  • @adrienebrooke
    underrated bit but my actual favorite is Murph not knowing what's going on, and when Emily starts to unveil it, the way he turns to Brennan with the absolute GLEE of a fellow DM who's so happy this isn't happening to him
  • @Mollymauking
    ā€œhow did you know thereā€™s be a plinth in this fightā€, in the most defeated voice, just breaks me
  • @Sasquach1312
    The whole plan boiled down to "I have made myself into a bomb... just in case." and that's fucking glorious.
  • @britnicox3929
    My fave part: Emily and Siobhan start giggling maniacally when he announces the plinth - Brennan probably thought theyā€™re laughing at the idea of it and the space Girl Scouts, but theyā€™re really cackling bc he played right into their hands
  • @Itsgriffeys
    My heart melts when emily says ā€œā˜ŗļø do you want to know more, Brennan?ā€ What a boss move
  • I like to think Emily was saying ā€œthereā€™s no way I survive after thisā€ because she thought Brennan was gonna kick her ass in the employee parking lot šŸ˜‚
  • @yuppy64
    I feel like Murph' not keeping up with group texts was somehow critical to Operation Slippery Puppet.
  • @misscurls101
    "You look me in the eyes, Beardsley, and say 'Brennan, I think it's your fucking time'. It will be a cold day in hell when I go out like a fucking chump" - Brennan Lee Mulligan, accidentally foreshadowing events that will lead to Operation Slippery Puppet
  • @danielsos9824
    this episode was a demonstration of the inherent comedy of the word "plinth"
  • @stabulous730
    For some reason, knowing that Brennan's mother - the creator of this world, is watching on a monitor somewhere close by is what really seals the deal. Knowing that you've defeated the DM? Good. Knowing that you did it in front of his mom? Priceless.
  • @ticktockbother6
    I donā€™t know why but Siobhan holding up her phone with a photo of sunglasses GETS me the most EVERY TIME
  • @kevlar427
    I love the misdirection where we think operation slippery puppet is the teleportation scheme that Brennan shoots down. NOPE.
  • @nezbut7
    the idea of emily poring over details about the fragmentation charge and coordinating all of this with siobhan (and the others who clearly know about operation slippery puppet!) while murph just ignores the text chain is perfect. incredible dnd household. i love the gunners!
  • @LidellFrasier
    It's beautiful. The misdirection during shopping to get him to focus on the Thermal Detonators, the joke about the magnet to gloss over what she's attached to the Psycho-drone, the slack-jawed astonishment on their faces when they see the Plinth, the near miss when they mention Slippery Puppet too early, Zac's Nat 20, Murphy bypassing disadvantage by using a reflex save attack, Brennan losing his mind as it all comes to the climax, "We read the books, Brennan! And by we, I mean 'just Emily'", sending the kids to camp, "We're not letting the doggie die today, folks!"...dang. Such a great episode.
  • @padaii
    Ally wishing for sunglasses and Murph handing his over and saying "I had my moment" is so sweet.