Austerity, Brexit and Covid: Why Conservatives lost the general election after 14 years in office

The Labour Party, led by Sir Keir Starmer, has brought an end to a 14-year Conservative rule with a decisive victory in the general election.

What led to the downfall of the Tories after such a lengthy tenure?

The Independent delves into the leadership eras of David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, and Rishi Sunak to uncover the missteps and controversies that paved the way for this change.

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コメント (21)
  • Arrogance, egoism, entitlement.The Tories lost because of this, too.
  • @beersFilm
    Austerity, Brexit and Covid. Shouldn't we add stupidity?
  • Don't forget sleaze, corruption, rampant cronyism, Culture wars and the unending ability to promote people with zero talent to the top jobs
  • Five self-serving inept PMs. Preceeded by two more. I guess all are far richer than they were twenty five years ago, but we are all poorer.
  • The Lib dems should not be forgiven for helping the tories austerity program
  • So, nothing at all to do with the longest period of Austerity imposed in Europe as a reaction to the 2008 financial crash, resulting in essential services being systematically defunded in real terms to the point of falling apart, actual infrastructure falling apart, taxes at a 70 year high with nothing to show for it, and a country as a whole feeling more and more like a third world country outside of London where nothing works anymore, but so long as GDP line goes up it's still all good.
  • The Tories will never come back from this. It's not just a question of unpopularity - their whole era is finished. Thank you very much, and good riddance !
  • Labour’s victory is nothing like the ones they had in 1997. There’s no optimism like Blair has it’s more of Tories horrendous government. The Tories need to be gone forever from government they’ve got 14 years and yet after all of those years the public is served with a Trump policy.
  • Take back all the benefits from Lis Truss so that no other politician will try to do what she did…
  • This was the post brexit election and the tories were decimated by the humiliating failure of brexit. The brexit 2.0 party reform only got 4 seats! "Sunlit uplands"
  • If only David Davis had beaten Cameron for the leadership of the Conservative party. A decent, working class man who has come from nothing! Unlike Mr Cameron
  • @alexlawcb
    It is beyond repair. The empire will sink anyhow.
  • Whole of UK now sees why Scotland never vote Tories. They now see the bullshit they’ve been peddling.