The 1975 restoration of Great Venezuela Railway 'HALCON'

Published 2021-04-02
The late Jaime Oliva Esteva was a friend and fellow railway enthusiast who documented on film the railways of Venezuela in the 1970's.

Following his passing, Jaime's family made me the custodian of his railway films and this presentation was made from some of the material.

In 1975, Hartmann 4-4-4T locomotive "HALCON" was restored to full working order and was in operation at the Caracas Transport Museum before it was transferred to the El Encanto railway in Los Teques.
This 3ft 6In gauge railway was a 7km section of the Gran Ferrocarril de Venezuela, which ran for 112 miles between Caracas and Valencia which closed in 1963, that was preserved between Los Teques, a few miles outside Caracas, to a park called "El Encanto".

From 1976 to 1997 the railway ran for the benefit of tourists and was well supported by the Government.
On April 4th of 1997, I was invited to ride on a private charter train along the former Venezuelan railway between Los Teques and El Encanto. That day, now well over 20 years ago, two very special friends made all of the arrangements. It is one of the most beautiful lines upon which I have travelled.
My Venezuelan friends were Jaime Oliva Esteva and Francisco Oliva Esteva. Both had been instrumental in the preservation of this 7Km section of line in 1976.

Sadly, the line has been abandoned since 1997 and although there is talk of a revival, the future seems very uncertain.
"Halcon" can now be found in a tangle of tropical vegetation at the El Encanto end of the line and in a very sorry run down condition.

We should be very grateful to Jaime for the work that he did recording the Venezuelan railways so many years ago. He really was a very special person and I dedicate this video to his memory.

Glen Beadon 2 April 2021

All Comments (7)
  • @ironantique1416
    Muchas gracias Glen por guardar y conservar tan valioso aporte fílmico, una verdadera lastima que esos 7km de vía ferrea continúen en total abandono y la Locomotora 820 Halcon cada día más desvalijada, por favor abra algún ente privado que quiera rescatar de una vez por toda tan hermoso parque? empresas Polar, Hacienda Santa Teresa o cualquier persona con recursos y con verdadero amor por Venezuela, no nombro al gobierno porque se que ninguno tiene un verdadero amor por nuestra historia y país
  • @carisgua
    No puede haber un mejor homenaje a la memoria de estos hermanos Esteva asi como a otro entusiasta llamado Guillermo Schaell que no sea la reposicion de este maravilloso documento filmico. Saludos Glen !
  • @josearaujo9290
    Que pais tan distinto fuimos, de niñi tuve la oportunidad de ver una locomotora de estas funcionando alli
  • @Kris-qy7hh
    Hello Mr. Beadon! I have an update on Caroni D11 and her status. Is it possible that I can email you directly? That would be wonderful, thank you in advance!