Will Kamala Harris implode? With Alex Castellanos

Published 2024-07-24
Freddy Gray is joined by political consultant Alex Castellanos to discuss the candidacy of Kamala Harris as the Democrats' nominee for President and why, at this moment, she is the biggest threat to Donald Trump – but how long will that last?

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All Comments (21)
  • A master class. This wasn’t Tik Tok. You actually had to listen and pay attention.
  • The job is doing the job not getting the job, as certain secret service agents have just found out.
  • @SuperHuia
    ...we live in the 21C and yet political pundits are still talking about the importance of a persons skin tone and how it effects voters. Worse still is the identity politics of defining oneself and others that way (arbitrarily)....as if it should be important. Tragic really.
  • @winterbird4447
    Why does Kamala have to explain every little detail about her ”contradicting” views? When the same standard is not held to Trump? Trump contradicts himself and lies non stop! Kamala does not have to re-invent herself. She just have to be herself, with contradictions and all. Just like Trump.
  • @jsigur157
    I don't think any dem stars wish to run in 24 and in that way , I see Harris as a sacrificial lamb
  • @jae2686
    Harris “Fresher face”? Ha! Other Than that this man just gave all the reasons someone should vote for Trump.
  • @outoforbit00
    Im not American, but one thing drew my attention to Harris. She has said, i believe numerous times, that she can 'imagine what can be, and be unburdoned by what has been'. This sentiment on the face of it sounds weird and twisted. But interestingly this is the self same sentiment that the seriel killer Ted Bundy would use when addressing groups of people, whilst aspiring to enter politics at the level of Congress. It definitely sounds like unfettered progress at the expense of traditions, religion, the American constitution, the independence of the judiciary and so forth. I believe she is advocating for full blown communism and total state control. And she may well be throwing those incoherent words out as a signal of the party's intentions to those of the same mindset.
  • @felixmacharia164
    Amazing interview. The guest is well informed and wise. He has advice for both Kamala and Trump
  • @fredo1070
    I liked it when Tulsi Gabbard KO'd Kamala at the debate in 2020.
  • Don't forget how married Mr.Brown showed her his Willy
  • @bencopeland3560
    This is the most substantive talk on the new and ever evolving state of this election that I’ve heard. Everyone who hasn’t come across it will have suffered a grave disservice.
  • "There is a lot of excitement about Kamala Harris"... really? I mean, really?!
  • Great interview. Thank you. I especially appreciated the newt Gingrich analogy: Kamala Harris as George McGovern during the Nixon race. That gave me hope.
  • @neilburns8869
    I think what The Spectator is really trying to say is that Kamala Harris is not a TOOL.