Debate: JP VS. @SIIIG1 (Speakers corner) Can we pray to saints in heaven? Mod: @GodLogicApologetics

Published 2024-07-29

All Comments (21)
  • JP ...( SIIIG show me where Jesus says im God worship me LOL) this was pretty much his argument throught the debate, disgarding all contexts that SIIIG was showing him.😂😂😂
  • @TK_Curulala
    It seemed like Siig was making routes around JP’s arguments. JP was fairly clear on his standpoint. Siig also was elaborate on his points. Good topic to debate. God is good, God bless JP, Siig and Godlogic. God’s word and the Holy Spirit is the only invocation and Holy Spirit I believe we need, besides having people in your own life to mentor and counsel you.
  • @Intothelight-13
    Even if it were possible for saints in heaven to hear prayers, there's no indication that they can respond. Heaven is a place of perfection. In order for saints to answer prayer they would need to have permission from God to do so and the power to do it. And wouldn't it be a form of idolatry to pray to those who aren't God?
  • @Intothelight-13
    I think it's dangerous to assume things that aren't specific in the Bible. If we could do that then anyone could read their own meaning into it. Good job JP.
  • SIIIG already cooked🔥with the Hebrews 11/12 verse. That was beautiful, even went into the greek. I don't know why JP kept spinning in circles concerning his own position. JP assumes that if the Bible doesn't mention something, you cannot do it. By his own logic he should live as a first century gentile or jew because they didn't have the techonology we have now. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you can speak over the internet to another person or use the app discord. I doubt JP would say Christians shouldn't use the internet because there's no Biblical example of it. JP conceded that the saints are alive in heaven and are able to respond to events that happen on earth, such as a person repenting. Yet, for some reason, he then isn't able to see how a saint can respond to a person on earth asking them for their intercession by the grace of God.
  • @Intothelight-13
    Siigs argument with Job 5:1 doesn't seem to work. It's just a figure of speech for saying who can he turn to. It doesn't necessarily mean beings in heaven.
  • @Thewitness.
    I love it my bro! Thank you for your content 🙏🏼
  • @paulsteph3251
    If we are to pray to saints then why is the Holy Spirit with us, why are we taught to pray the our father by Christ. I agree with JP that we can do anything but does it make sense? I don’t think so. To pray to saints is to bypass the Lord and the example we’ve been given
  • @pelomocho8567
    Jd is a massive joke . Hes like a Kelly powers full of pride and no knowledge. Doesn’t know basic Greek , talks about canonizing doctrine. This was sad to see
  • @yes-cu4uf
    SIIG cooked bro, the church fathers dnt agree with him, the bible dnt agree with him, I dnt even think Luther agrees with him. Prots are finished 😂😂😂
  • @clayfeet6138
    These are doctrines of demons. Christ and Holy Spirit intercede for us daily..... see. Roman 8:26 and Roman 8:34 are texts that prove my point. We don't need prayer from any dead saint....Apostle Paul who was the only apostle sent to the Gentiles said follow me as I follow Christ 1st Corinthians 11:1 .......if Paul didn't invoke dead saints I WILL NOT DARE DO SUCH A THING please remember we are Gentiles not Jews. ....FOLLOW PAUL and you will be safe as a Gentile........DO NOT PRAY TO DEAD SAINTS. I like the Sigg guy but I didn't know he had wrong doctrine. Read 2nd Timothy 2:15 rightly divide the word meaning if you do not study you can be a believer but still wrongly divide the word. Check out Robert Breaker and Gene Kim....these are teachers who divide the word rightly. Remember, a teacher's job is to guide you. You must study on your own and Holy Spirit will guide you if you are a true believer.
  • SIIIG's arguments. 1. A word may also be applied to men, and so it is actually being applied to men since it cannot be applied to God twice! 2. "With sympathy for them, both in our prayers to God and our mention of them to the saints". "Our mention of them" means prayer and "saints" means Christians who died. (Obviously in Catholicism, you only become a saint after death). 3. People reported that Ignatius appeared once a year and communicated with his followers so that shows you could pray to saints. 4. Saints in Heaven are aware of our plights and can respond so we must pray to them. Much as I like SIIIG, only Catholics and Orthodox Christians would think he won this argument.
  • @ayeeye5567
    protestants think they are sola scriptura but really they are sola my interpretation
  • @autohrap5884
    51:10 so SIIG wants us to really believe that when Catholics say they are praying to the saints… it’s some other meaning than that which should only be rendered to God? C’mon, bro, them Catholics ain’t spending too much time in the Bible, to them all the prayer is of the same stature.