I Finally Heard the Song EVERONE is Talking About.


コメント (21)
  • Can confirm, had chlamydia then subscribed, chlamydia is now gone.
  • The best thing about this song is hearing it for the first time. The next best thing is watching others hear it for the first time.
  • Stages of watching Hi Ren: This looks creepy Guitar sounds nice Oh he’s singing Will the whole song be like this? Here’s the beat Ok he’s rapping now This guy is scary Now he seems nice Oh I see what he’s doing This is interesting This is intense The mean guy is a jerk This is INTENSE Make it stop I haven’t blinked or taken a breath in 2 minutes Go Ren! YES! OOO-OO-OO-OO-OO-.. I need some time to be still…
  • I'd like to point out that Ren played this live for this video, and how amazing he is as a live performer. He's mind blowing.
  • The first time I heard it I cried and immediately called my brother who has been ill for 30 of his 50 yrs. He said he has never heard a more authentic song in his life. He said it made him realize that there are others out there as bad off as he is. He now listens to this song as therapeutic.
  • I am stunned. I have never seen mental illness explained so eloquently… you are correct. This is art. Beautiful, horrible, terrifying, thought provoking…
  • it's not a music video, it's a theatrical work of art as a window to his inner being. Fucking amazing.
  • This is the first time I have heard this young man. I am 74 year women and I love all kinds of music. This young man has touched my heart and I will be looking for him on YouTube! Thank you for sharing.
  • Holy shit. As a general rule, I stay away from songs that "everyone is talking about." I've never thought that a single one that I actually sat and listened to was at all worth the hype it generated. But when I saw that you were reacting to this one, I chose to give it a try through you. I am not sorry i did. This is the absolute height of creativity and absolutely genius.
  • I was listening for the first time with you. My depression has been getting the better of me the last few weeks and I haven’t been able to see the light. I’m faking being strong for those who need me, but I feel like there’s nobody around for me when I’m in need. This song, beginning to end, hit me in the core of my soul. I’m going to wake up tomorrow, I’m going to keep waking up, I may not live every day, but every day I will exist. If I cannot live, then I will love. I will continue to exist and I will remember that I am human…
  • I've lived with an autoimmune illness called Systemic Scleroderma since I was 17yo, and I've struggled with depression and anxiety as well because of it and other life circumstances. That's why I connect with this song soo much, it's very relatable to just about everybody who has struggled in life. This isn't just a song, this song is one of the best pieces of art I've ever seen and it cuts right down to the soul!!
  • As someone who struggles, daily, with those hyper-critical voices, this has made me cry and shout for joy at the same time. bless this young man xxx
  • @gobkin123
    "I'm the voice that you hear when you loosen the noose on the rope" - a brilliant and impactful line. I was glad to see it hit you like it hits me. Every damn time.
  • Met Ren when we were both in Germany for Lyme disease treatment, great guy. I really enjoy seeing him do so well and making the world a better place by telling his story
  • @ladykupo
    This is an absolute masterpiece. Ren is truly amazing.
  • As someone with severe bipolar, i suffer from psychosis in manic and depressive episodes, so i relate to this heavy. I am on medication now and the highs arent as high and lows not as low, the voices come back every now and then but now im much better.
  • @rmburk
    When the song started I didn't think it was going to be my cup of tea but now I'm here at the end and I'm sobbing. My name is also Ren so it came across as more relatable to me I guess, but damn he's totally right.
  • I'm stunned .. just Freakin stunned. This is like listening to a Shakespearean Soliloquy in song. A one man Broadway superstar. I don't say this about many artists ...but I think we are witnessing {REAL} musical Genius here !!
  • This song is in all of us but it took this creative genius to reveal it, reminding us that his struggle is all of our struggle unique and the same. Thank you Ren ♥️
  • This is a profound work of art…….I am 73 and this is my first time hearing his work…..I commend this young man for his brilliant expression of how the devil works on our innocent souls and how he spreads the word to be mindful of the battle between good and evil that we, as humble humans, face everyday. We must keep hope in our hearts that we make the right choices. May the Good Lord Bless and keep Ren in his protection.