DIY Steel Pipe Removable Bench & Squat Rack Pt.1

Published 2023-07-23
Hello folks. This is Part 1 of my DIY Steel Pipe Bench/Squat Rack project. This was an idea conceived purely out of necessity. this project is not budget friendly by any means. It's rather on the pricy side due to the current cost of metal. If you have access or a connection to someone who could provide you with discounts at a metal scrapyard or a construction jobsite with a lot of leftover cutoff scrap, that would be the most cost effective way to go for this project if you choose to use this material. There are plenty of other cheaper alternative methods with cheaper materials posted on YouTube & I encourage people to do their research & and thoroughly explore all options. But as I mentioned before, this was a project out of necessity & convenience that fit the specific needs for my situation. Please feel free to comment on whether you like this idea or not & I welcome any constructive criticism or suggestions to improve on this idea for the next person who wants to embark on this project. Love it or hate it all I ask is that people keep the comments in that of a respectful nature, please.

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