RV Black Tank Emergency! my valve rod came out and I can't open the black tank!!

Published 2024-06-17
What do you do if your RV black tank valve rod and handle come right out of the whole assembly when you go to pull on it? Now you can't open your black tank, essentially making your toilet unusable since you can't ever open it to dump it. and the more you do use it, the more stuff you are going to have to "deal with" later when you do get around to fixing it! So you need a solution, I've not been able to find one on YouTube so I made one based on ideas from others on other websites. A $2 part does the trick. Note after you get it to catch and work, just use a bolt cutter or something to shorten the rod so it's not catching on things are you drive down the road. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU!!

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