I asked Dr. Chaffee’s girlfriend your 10 MOST controversial Carnivore questions

Published 2023-06-18
Dr. Chaffee's girlfriend answers your 10 most controversial questions on the Carnivore Diet. Join the 4 Week Fat Loss Challenge to build muscle and lose fat. Go to academy.5minutebody.com/community?coupon=YT20

Elle's Instagram: www.instagram.com/_elle.marie_s/

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The Ultimate 4-Week Fat Loss Course: academy.5minutebody.com/carnivore-fat-loss-masterc…

The Ultimate 7-Day Fasting Course For Fat Loss: academy.5minutebody.com/fasting-101-for-fat-loss?c…

4 Week Carnivore Challenges: academy.5minutebody.com/community?coupon=YT20

5MB Carnivore Chat Group: discord.gg/dFUuSYv3S5

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00:00 Welcome, Elle!
01:17 How much did you know about Carnivore before meeting Dr. Anthony Chaffee?
02:07 Do you think plants are trying to kill us?
03:11 Elle and Dr. Chaffee's first date
05:09 How did Elle transition to strict Carnivore?
05:50 The biggest challenge of starting a Carnivore Diet
09:55 How long it actually takes to be a strict Carnivore?
11:31 The biggest tip to stay on track with a Carnivore Diet
14:24 10 most controversial questions with Elle
28:00 The most asked question with Elle and Dr. Chaffee
29:02 The bright side of the Carnivore Diet
32:08 What Elle eats when traveling
33:49 Connect with Dr. Chaffee's girlfriend


All Comments (21)
  • @victoryluck
    Something really touched me ... I saw a video (a long time ago), where Robin Williams was being interviewed. Robin said that he had been sober for 20 years. And, one night, he was at a party, and he was offered a drink. Because he had been sober for so long, he believed that he was totally in control ... and he told himself that he deserved just one drink, and that just one drink would not matter. But that one drink turned into several drinks ... until he got very drunk. The next day, he woke up on the couch of that party ... he had passed out and never left there. He was very scared ... but he went immediately to a liquor store. He took the alcohol home and drank alone the whole day ... until he passed out again. The next day, he checked himself into rehab. Addiction can ruin your life ... whether it is addiction to alcohol, or drugs, or gambling, or sex ... or sugar and binge eating. Some people can "have a cheat day" and immediately get back on track ... and some people can have a very tiny cheat (just a taste), and it is all over. Yes, it is scary.
  • @stewiecountry
    I like Elle....she seems humble, sweet, smart and down to earth. She and Anthony are a great couple!
  • I made a commitment to myself to stay on carnivore (169 days today). I know myself. If I have one taste of sugar, I'm lost. I can't control myself. So, I eat before going out to a meal with friends. I tell them I'm on a medical elimination diet and they accept that.
  • I used to eat grain-fed beef but switched to buying grass-fed beef from a local farmer. One noticeable difference that I found, was that the grass-fed beef is less fatty. I have also learned that grain-fed beef is higher in omega-6 where grass-fed beef is higher in Omega-3. If fat is flavor then grain fed does taste better but personally, I like adding high quality butter to my beef and getting the higher omega-3 in my diet.
  • @never_divided
    Leave the steak out for 20-30 minutes before cooking Salt both sides and rub with little melted butter. Cook in a smoking hot pan to get that good sear. Turn once only. Once turned over, lower the heat, add butter and baste the butter over the steak until cooked to ideal temp. Blu - 40c Rare - 46c Medium Rare - 54c Medium - 60c Medium well - 65c These should be your rested temp so take out the pan 4c lower then stated. Happy cooking 👌 Ps been a chef ten years so these are spot on. Cheers.
  • @twofarg0ne763
    I'm a 73 year old retired American who lives in France. I'm 5'7''. Three years ago I weighed 254 pounds. Today I weigh 170. I've been carnivore for the past year, after a year and a half on Keto. The changes in my health have been simply incredible. But, I will not do perfection... I drink café crème usually 2 or 3 times a week at my favorite café, I have one glass of wine twice a month with dinner on Friday night when we go out with friends, and I will usually have one or two restaurant lunches a month where I will eat the "plat du jour", which is usually meat or fish and If there's a few potatoes or figs with the dish I'll eat them, but I won't eat other vegetables or salad. Other than that, I'm 100% carnivore when I eat at home. After all, what's the use of living if you have to be so good?
  • she's amazing! that talk really helped me stay motivated. also, married before, kids, 15y relationship? she looks super young wow
  • I’m struck by how calm, polite and down to earth all the carnivore woman I see on Youtube are. Not just women, Dr Chaffee, Dr Berry, Dr Shawn Baker…. So many and not one of them are obnoxious or outspoken. It’s kind of unique for me because as an ex vegan I’m used to loud, angry debates and lots of drama 😂😂😂 I’m definitely too old for that! Great questions and Elle answered them perfectly. Especially the fart question!! I agree with Elle too, Hungry Jacks Pattie’s and cheese make a great weekend treat.
  • @Openskyhaven
    This was an informative and relaxed interview. Elle is authentic and easy to listen to. She is relatable and making a difference. Excellent for Elle’s age group to learn from her too. Just keep being yourself Elle🌟 A sweet, young real person with life experience. Elle and Dr Chaffee are a great team…🌺🌿
  • @Thomas-1976
    Myself and my wife recently converted to carnivore after 3 years on Keto, initially because I read it helped with IBS and Asthma which my wife suffers with. In iust 2 months her IBS and Asthma has all but completely gone, for the first time in years she can take full deep breaths without any tightness, pain or restriction whatsoever and hasn’t taken her pumps in weeks, we believe 100% this is purely down to Carnivore. Similarly with her IBS she hasn’t had any flare ups in ages, we could never go back to a normal’ way of eating, it’s been all positive since day 1.
  • Best steak: 1. Pat dry with paper towel and add salt & pepper generously all over. 2. Let the steak get close to room temperature. 3. Heat pan to very hot, on a high flame/temperature with a large nub of butter or other animal fat. 4. When the fat is sizzling put the steak into the pan and tap the sides if they curl up into the sizzling fat (don't press hard on the steak in any area). 5. Cook for X minutes each side depending on your favourite degree of rarity. If the steak is fairly thick I do 2.5 minutes each side, to make it rare. If the steak is thinner, it may need less time (getting the right timing based on the steaks you use is a matter of trial and error). This should result in the most delicious steak, a crispy crust on each side and succulent meat inside.
  • @MsCdnAngel
    Great interview. Elle is stunning, and seems like such a kind person. Her and Anthony appear to be humble and genuine people. If you see this, thanks for sharing your health journey, and answering questions. God bless you.
  • @Rositasparks
    My name is Elle too. So, maybe I am biased here but she is absolutely lovely…so thoughtful when she speaks…Carnivore has changed my life ( physically and mentally) I don’t care what other people eat around me. I just do what works for me and they can deal with it. Great interview ❤
  • @tinawyatt
    I loved what Elle said about the occasional Mac-D patties with 2x cheese 🤭 I can be way too perfectionistic and tend to get lost in the weeds, so it’s good to hear this.
  • @Lisa12T82
    In Australia, McDonalds beef patties are 100% Australian beef formed into Pattie’s and immediately snap frozen to retain freshness and flavour. They add salt and pepper once on the grill x
  • @lainey7062
    I so needed to hear this today. I have been struggling letting go of Vegetables on and off, It made me feel like I couldn't do carnivore. Hearing how Elle struggled on and off for 6 months, it makes me feel like I will be able to do Carnivore consistency one day. Great interview.
  • Thank you for having Elle share. It's been a real struggle for almost a year going back and forth with carnivore.