Jeremy Corbyn: The election interview | General Election 2024

Will Labour lose Islington North after Jeremy Corbyn declared as an independent for the election?

Today we were joined by the former leader of the Labour party Jeremy Corbyn as the battle for Islington North gets underway.

He speaks to Ava about his treatment by Labour, Diane Abbott's ongoing suspension, and how the Labour party's offering this time around could fall short.

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コメント (21)
  • @hg82met
    He's absolutely correct. People are desperate to vote the Tories out. I still haven't met anyone who's excited to vote for Labour.
  • @notgarybrown
    It's not hyperbolic to say the way this man was treated by the establishment of this country has profoundly altered and darkened my worldview.
  • @moonman62
    His time as Labour leader was basically the only time I felt any real hope and optimism about meaningful positive changes being made in this country. 2016 was the first election that I was able to vote in, and I always voted for Labour during his time as leader; he actually inspired people to be passionate about politics. Now I'm just disillusioned with it all. Labour won't win because they're the better party with better policies; they'll win because they aren't the Tories. I'm only voting now out of spite.
  • If the press, Murdoch, the nationalists, the tories, blairites, royalists and landlords hate you then you're a decent guy in my books
  • FINALLY an interview by a journalist who doesn’t talk over Jeremy Corbyn and allows people to LISTEN to what he has to say! Thank you!
  • @A.Y.11
    If a corrupt establishment despises you then you must be doing something right.
  • @brads4449
    God I miss having hope and excitement in a campaign, something to really fight for and to put your heart on the line for. Keep going Jeremy you’re an inspiration to a generation👏👏👏
  • @TC8787-yq7og
    When Labour are more accommodating to Tory defectors than people who’ve been in the party for 40 years, that’s when you know what they stand for. Keith Starmer is pathetic.
  • I wish I still lived in Jeremy's constituency, id have someone worth voting for.
  • A man of honesty, integrity, and human compassion which are completely lacking with little starmer
  • I really wish Mr. Corbyn was my MP. He is the only politician that talks sense and he actually cares about his constituants.
  • JC is absolutely correct in saying labour aren't offering any hope to the youth . It's not really surprising considering labour will be a continuation of the Tory party bar a few tweaks .
  • @Xanaduum
    After Corbyn got sabotaged by his own Labour Party (I. E. 'The Labour Files) I gave up on voting. Absolutely no point, the establishment won't allow it.
  • Corbyn is Labour to his core. I don't know what the Labour party has become, but it's not the party Jeremy joined and represented for the whole of his political career. Shame on Labour.
  • @Crumbleofborg
    It's such a shame that Mr Corbyn couldn't stand as the Labour candidate. "The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party", but it seems Mr Corbyn was perhaps the last socialist to leave.
  • If only pre-election discourse was more like this to give the candates time to breath and discuss their ideals in more detail. It would change our politics quite a lot I think.
  • @eoin8156
    As a labour voter for 40 years he’s right.Being better than the torries isn’t very hard and we should strive for better than that . Labour have sold out , the Blair government was a centre right government ffs. Privatised many aspects of the country and invaded Iraq on the whim of a deluded Texan.
  • I am commenting with the hope that this video will reach more voters in Islington North. Treasure this man! I am Bulgarian, and I can only dream of politicians with his integrity and conviction.