How to become 37.78 times better at anything | Atomic Habits summary (by James Clear)

Published 2021-10-06
Atomic Habits can help you improve every day, no matter what your goals are. As one of the world's leading experts on habit formation, James Clear reveals practical strategies that will help you form good habits, break bad ones, and master tiny behaviors that lead to big changes.

If you're having trouble changing your habits, the problem isn't you. Instead, the issue is with your system. There is a reason bad habits repeat themselves over and over again, it's not that you are not willing to change, but that you have the wrong system for changing.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems” - James Clear

I’m a huge fan of this book, and as soon as I read it I knew it was going to make a big difference in my life, so I couldn’t wait to make a video on this book and share my ideas.

Here is a link to James Clear’s website, where I found he uploads a tonne of useful posts on motivation, habit formation and human psychology.

If you liked this summary and you want to go deeper into Atomic Habits, here is a link to the book (Nothing Beats the book!)

📕Atomic Habits by James Clear -

If you are more into Audiobooks, here is a link to that. You can get this audiobook for free if you sign up for a free Audible trial with the link below.

🎧Grab Atomic Habits audiobook on an Audible trial with 2 free books -

🗎If you want to help out my channel, please consider grabbing the PDF mindmap and illustrations I made to go along with this summary -

Lessons you will learn from reading Atomic Habits
• How to make time for new habits ;
• How to overcome a lack of motivation and willpower;
• How to design your environment to make success easier;
• How to get back on track if your habits break down
• How to overcome the plateau of latent potential

00:00 Introduction
01:32 Atomic Habits
07:15 Law 1 - Make it Obvious
11:06 Law 2 - Make it Attractive
15:38 Law 3 - Make it Easy
18:13 Law 4 - Make it Satisfying
21:35 How I personally use this book

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Thankyou for watching this animated summary of Atomic Habits. Please Subscribe

All Comments (21)
  • @kanyesoutheast
    You're that one kid everyone wanted in their presentation group. Seriously this is amazing production quality.
  • @TheStubertos
    "The Goal is not to run a marathon, it's to become a runner." I think this is an awesome mindset because not only does it help you stick to your habits, but it will make you comfortable with failure. Even if you don't complete that marathon, you're still a runner and it won't put you off trying again.
  • @davidross9365
    I'm currently reading "Nuclear Habits" by Ben Furey... totally counterintuitive but Im loving it lol
  • My notes :) - A slight change in your daily habits can guide your life to a very different destination - Massive success is not a result of massive steps, but small ones - Compound effect is 1% better each day, which results in 37x better in a year - Success is the produce of daily habits, not once-in a lifetime transformations - Small changes are not noticeable( first stage known as valley of disappointment). To see change, you must stick to something for a while (exponential growth). - Forget about goals, focus on systems instead. Not on the product, but the process of how you will get there - Set specific realistic goals - Goals are good for setting a direction, but systems are best for making progress - Layers of behavior change: Outcomes, processes, identity. Most focus on outcomes, but successful people focus on identity or the person they want to become) - Law 1: Make it obvious. ○ Create a habit scorecard, and label each habit positive, negative, or even ○ Unless you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate ○ Make habits clear (ex. "I will read a book for 15 minutes daily at 6am in the other bedroom", rather than "I will read this month") ○ Stack habits. After [current habit], I will [new habit] ○ Environment > Motivation. To drink more water, always have a water bottle around. To read more, always have a book nearby. Get bad habits out of sight - Law 2: Make it attractive. ○ You can make hard habits more attractive if you can learn to associate them with a positive experience ○ Dopamine is not just linked to pleasure, but also when we anticipate it. Thus, the craving is what causes us to take action in the first place. ○ Use temptation bundling. Link working out with watching a show or listening to music, so you get something you want to do, when you do something you need to do. ○ Put yourself in the right environment. Do get fit, surround yourself with people who make going to the gym a norm. ○ Your habits are modern-day solutions to ancient desires. New versions of old vices. The underlying motives behind human behavior remain the same. - Law 3: Make it easy ○ The more you do something, the easier it becomes over time ○ Easy habits are more likely to happen, so stick to an easy habit, and not wanting to wake up at 6 when being used to waking up at 8 ○ Reduce friction from good habits, increase friction in bad habits. ○ 2-min rule to stop procrastinating. Start small with habits, work out for only 5 min to start with, or only stretch for a bit every day to start. Get the retinue anchored in place and then slowly increase the difficulty. Don’t try to do too much too soon. - Law 4: Make it satisfying ○ What is immediately rewarded is repeated. ○ Good habits don’t feel too good short term, but feel good in the long run, so add immediate pleasure after doing a good habit. ○ Have a habit tracker ○ Lost days hurt you more than successful days help you ○ Don’t break the chain of doing a good habit. Create a habit contract.
  • @Growwithzeeel
    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. One of the best book ever read, with most practical advice . The idea is to be 1% better everyday
  • @aliabdaal
    Bloody hell mate this production value is insane
  • @3scoopsofguac
    If you’re having trouble cleaning try making a list. My wife bought a dry erase board and then a bunch of magnets to write on. She put chores that take max 5 minutes on each one. Sweeping, wiping counters, scrub toilets etc. Every time we finish a chore we take it off the board. This gamification of chores has helped us keep our house clean. You get a sense of accomplishment from removing a magnet and when you see the chore is done you feel amazing at the cleanliness. We try to make our way through the list in 7 days or less. But never being hard on ourselves if we don’t accomplish it.
  • You have brought the whole 300-page book to this 28-minute visual presentation. I love your presentation skill. Thank you!
  • @Rekunance
    "The Goal is not to learn an instrument, it's to become a musician." "The Goal is not to run a marathon, it's to become a runner." Underrated words~ Thanks for helping me a better person~ You earned a sub!
  • @vi2e
    "get rid of social media" seems to be the number one key element in any of these type of motivational/life coaching-videos!
  • This is a great summary of a super helpful book. Once I had got my procrastination under control the Atomic Habits approach made me reach my language goals. I can truly say that these 3 steps worked for me: 1.From James Clear’s Atomic Habits: knowing that I was only going to work for 2-10 minutes a day on French helped me focus on developing the habit. It was pressure but kinda “fun” pressure to know this was my learning window and it was closing in a matter of minutes. 2. I kept my focus high in that 2-10 minute daily learning window by using the contrarian procrastination method from Michael Kennedy Your Success Method – removing my mental obstacles from prior failures and the everyday life barriers was key for me in getting going and keep committed. 3. James Clear in Atomic Habits talks about keeping the habit chain unbroken - this is super powerful shit if you are even vaguely competitive. After about 10 days straight of keeping the chain going and literally drawing an unbroken chain on my calendar (like he describes) I couldn’t face the very visual shame of the failure of a break in the chain. It's small things like this reinforced every day that cemented the habit in me. I’m now waaaay better at French than before this approach - although not fluent or close to that - but six months in I can now finally see my own path to fluency - I’d say this was my breakthrough moment. 😊 Seeing the progress I have made doing only these 3 steps every day and knowing that this has gotten easy for me now (habit formed) makes me feel I can scale up and achieve whatever I can commit to. So freaking exciting to change up after years of stagnation and failures. I have a bunch of other goals I want to achieve now and I think it's all possible. I’m so thankful for these two books and videos like this that make the knowledge accessible 👏
  • @samanthapelch4555
    THANK YOU ! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Due to severe ADHD I can no longer read physical books and even audio books are challenging to me. Your presentations in VISUAL form...I get it! I finally can understand what a book is about. I'm 55 years old and I finally can understand. THANK U SO MUCH!!
  • @mad_m0149
    I feel like internally, I always knew these things, but I’ve never acted on them. It’s nice to hear them plainly. :)
  • @dascrypto3445
    this could be the best review of any 'self-help' book I've ever seen. Not only a great summary... but concrete examples of how you used the knowledge to develop real systems for change. Outstanding!
  • the chapters of this video are pretty solid 3:05 goals and SYSTEMS to achieve the goals 3:35 succesful and unsuccesful people share the same goals!! 4:04 4:10 goals are good for setting the direction,but systems are best for making progress 4:25 it is not because of you ,it is because you have the wrong system for change 4:45 just as atoms are the building blocks of the universe, atomic habits are the building blocks of remarkable results 5:10 the best way to change your habits is to focus on the person you want to become instead of the results that you want 5:16 the goal is to become that succesful person you should look up to 5:29 remind yourself everytime you workout, I am an athlete and a heavyweight 5:45 everytime you write code,you are a programmer. and everytime you instruct a team you are a leader 7:10 the 4 laws that will guide us to do it law 1 make it obvious 7:25 write down your habit behaviours on your score card 7:45 until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and call it fate 8:08 what you need is a time and a place that will promote doing the things to become succesful 8:19 say and write down I will do this at this time and this location 8:34 habbit stacking=tie a desired habit to an existing habit; after habit B I will habit A 9:22 more influenced by the environment then willpower or motivation 9:30 hard for positive habits in negative environments 9:45 make the cues visible and obvious 10:02 more like the relationship with the objects from the environment determines our behavious 10:08 imagine it as a place filled with relationships 10:35 the mantra; one space one use 10:43 10:49 the best thing to get rid of a bad habit is to make in invisible,for example put it in other room,hide the tv remote somewhere deep, dont buy cheap crap 11:05 make good things attractive 11:20 dopamine and feedback loops dopamine vital to voluntary movement, motivation, learning, memory, punishment 11:55 dopamine release not only when they experience pleasure,but also when they expect IT gambling addicts biggest pleasures are right before placing a bet 12:28 the craving causes us to take action in the first place 13:25 find groups where the habit desired is the norm 13:40 13:45 13:52 14:00 14:22 online platforms thrive from catering and appealing to the primal underlying motives of the human nature 14:31 your habits are modern day solutions to ancient desires 14:55 15:05 15:20 reprogramming the mind making hard habits attractive by associating them with positive experiences cleaning the house=clean house saving money=more money 15:25 make bad habits unatractive make good habits easy 15:36 15:39 15:42 15:46 15:52 forming habits should be measured in number of repetitions not in time 16:08 16:12 16:48 reducing friction the law of least effort=rerouting, arranging places, reorganizing objects and their relationships 16:53 16:55 priming the environment for use I will layour my workout stuff the night before so I can easily get the workout done 17:17 using the 2 minute rule to stop procrastinating 17:25 17:30 17:33 start with a scaled down version of your habit repeat the habit CONSISTENTLY EVERY SINGLE DAY 17:47 17:55 create barriers between yourself and bad habits leave your credit card if you have bad spending habit 18:14 18:30 make it satisfying most important rule this feels good,lets repeat it 18:43 19:12 19:20 add immediate pleasure for good habits,rewarding 19:55 20:08 20:23 20:25 20:45 necesary to have a habit tracker,to be able to value the work and reward the most important thing is do the work everyday,never miss out,never chicken out, even if you dont finish it all,all the workouts it definitly matters that you showed up and did something 21:15 21:30 the habit contract,how to hold yourself and be held by others accountable write verbal/written contracts and hold yourself accoutable with them and make people hold you accountable with them 21:40 22:28 25:53 26:40 27:00 27:10 27:40 list of bad/good habits push bad habits everyday and pull good habits
  • I love how he's building his habits on the exact ones I needed which are "working out" and "studying". I'm also currently reading this book and I think he covered the content pretty nicely.
  • @Katrica670
    "We feel good about our bad habits immediately, but very bad about them in the long run." "We feel bad about our good habits immediately, but very good about them in the long run."
  • @thefreyer13
    Also a powerful habit I have learned: Plan your day at the evening of the day before before going to bed. This will not only help to be more productive the next day, but also makes you sleep better because most of the possible uncertainties are already elaborated.
  • This is one of the channels that gave me the courage to start my YouTube channel 2 months ago about self development and now have 74 subs and almost 55 hour watch time. I know it’s not comparable with others but I’m still proud I started because I’ve been learning so much lessons that I couldn’t have learned without getting started in the 1st place
  • @lifeofaai203
    I can't tell you how well this video has been made. I've read the book Atomic Habits but this video was so well summarised with personal examples especially. Thank you so much. I just shared this with my husband. I've been asking him to read the book for a long time now. But I'm sure he can spare 30 mins to watch this video. Keep up the good work ❤️