The Mandalorian Episode 5 Review | I'm DONE With Baby Yoda

Publicado 2019-12-07

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • this dude is a low life home boy prick he will never have eny kids of his own. he will become a wife beater. doing inside, an end Prison for life as he gets to be came a plat toy for the block of the Prison
  • Yes, Proper's finally coming to the Dark Side!! I've been thinking the exact same thing since episode one. Personally, I would have made The Madalorian like the old show 'Have Gun Will Travel'. Each episode would be a one off where the Mandalorian goes to a certain place and does a certain job. This would establish the world (galaxy in this sense) and the Mandalorian as a character. Later, something big like the baby Yoda thing could be thrown in, but only after the Mandalorian's character has been established. We needed to see who the character is and how he acts before his status quo is altered, otherwise we have no firm foundation on which to build an impression of him. Further, the addition of the baby Yoda steals attention from the main character and shows him in an unfamiliar situation before we even get a good idea of what the character was like originally. Additionally, it leaves the story in a catch 22: Either the Madalorian goes through each episode with a baby strapped onto his back or there has to be some excuse made as to why the baby isn't with him. Finally, there can only be so many stories/types of stories that center on the baby Yoda character. As you stated, there's no good way of continuing the story going forward.
  • @tubian323
    It's the Baby Yoda Show according to Mecha.
  • Its also same shit same episode Mandalorian finds allies Same soundtrack Mandalorian leaves or kills allies Baby yoda does something stupid
  • Baby yoda being in the show is fine but the MEMES ARE FRICKING ANNOYING AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE BABY YODA SONG ITS ANNOYING and a couple of kids are singing the dumb song in the middle of a test at school
  • @dredhammer
    Good review and i agree i think its like 8 episodes with two filler episdoes and 6 that actually has the storyline. BTW when you going to tackle Batwoman? Crisis for infinite earth starts this weekend across the whole arrowverse shows. VCan't wait to see how they butcher the classic comic series.
  • Oh my gosh dude the Mandalorain is protecting baby yoda and this means it’s about the both of them and the Mandalorain getting liked by yoda’s creature
  • Beware the Baby Yoda. It will steal your heart and soul. Than caste you off like you are yesterday's frog leftovers. Justin don't give in. Resist the Force manipulation of Disney to distract you from the real mission..AVOID Episode 9. Yoda baby says quietly Justin. THE FILM WILL YOU SEE.
  • @ShellbackTJC
    I'm kinda like Entertainment Hacker on this. This is a series. There are gonna be ups and downs, ebbs and flows. Sometimes I feel like people are expecting this show to be like the most epic thing they've ever seen every episode.
  • @TheIronSaiyan
    I think that Baby Yoda isn't that cute. Why is everybody going crazy over him? He's not even as cute as Groot. But everybody wants to go crazy over a 50 year old alien. Most of the people around where I live only know Baby Yoda....not the show
  • @lukeantoneck8401
    Why are you buuly baby star war he is very cool and nice and baby star war didt do envy thing to you so stop Bolly him mean poopy face say sorry or I will do bad thing
  • @ch4osaeternum74
    I find the whole identity politics thing is also helping the Mandalorian despite its mediocrity. Fanboyz think the show is good cause it ain't woke. But like you said not woke don't mean it ain't broke and Mandalorian certainly is broke.
  • @opinian1068
    Dude this show isn't really going anywhere. And this episode was garbage. We shouldn't know this little this far into the season. Lazy writing, repetitive plot devices, and some awful acting. And this isn't a season. It's an 8 part miniseries. Baby Yoda is a gimmick and just a prop at this point. He even LOOKS like one in this episode. "at least it's not TLJ" is not a valid reason to cheerlead this show.
  • @EnterHacker
    Ya Baby Yoda is getting a bit too much exposure. I’m enjoying the show tho. Nothing is perfect. He’s being a bounty hunter. That’s what he does. I’m not looking for a complex story.