Trying the McRib for the First Time

Publicado 2023-01-28
I tried a McRib for the first time. This is how it went...

Twitter: @TheJustinProper

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  • @JediBunny
    I tried one of these for the first time the summer before high school started. My friend Ashley was a seasoned vet and ordered one with such confidence I figured, “Hey, whattheheck, I’ll try anything once!” …The McRib experience left me deeply unsettled to the extent that it echoed in my mind into the first few weeks of high school. I’m not unconvinced that the viscerally disturbing quality of the faux rib meat somehow leached into my academic prowess and social confidence and was single-handedly responsible for me being in shell shock for the first leg of my Freshman year journey. It wasn’t until Peter Jackson’s Fellowship of the Ring released that December that I was finally shaken from my haze and able to free myself from the shackles of the uncanny McRib spell. Beware the McRib.
  • @robsrules5777
    At least you tried it. Everyone has their own taste of things
  • @hoffcast
    I've eaten 6 million scoville hot sauce, but I won't eat a McRib. Brave man here
  • @kek4494
    C"mon folks, a synthesized pork patty, uncategorical sauce, onions and pickles. It's a classic...for some reason.
  • @ShaunORourke
    🤣🤣🤣👍🏻 Try the Impossible Whopper from Burger King. It's 1000 times better!!
  • @gothic_angel
    We don't get those in the UK .... Did you really put on gloves to eat 🤦😂 Pb tried the McRib when it came back to McDonald's.
  • @KaiMFS
    WHY didn't you remove the parts you don't like? I always eat stuff without pickles because pickles are nasty.. what's wrong witchu? Next, try the Popeye's Spicy Chicken Sandwich