Will This Muslim Leave Islam Now? #quran #contradictioninquran #godlogic #muslim


コメント (21)
  • Somehow, I feel like he's not gonna leave Islam after hearing this... 😔
  • @sqrtvlo
    How to be an Influencer Muslim: 1. Say Shahada 2. Memorize the dawah script 3. Engage in a debate 4. Say “Jesus never ate pork” and “Jesus prayed to allah” 5. Get refuted 6. Start lying and say the bible is corrupted 7. Run away Oh and don’t forget the last one 8. Don’t eat pork
  • Well chapter 12:111: there was certainly in their lesson for those of understanding. Never was the Qura'n a narration invented but a confirmation what was before it and detailed explanation of all things and guidance and mercy for a people who believe. This is the whole verse which you failed to mentioned because it won't serve your purpose. This verse is referring to stories of the Qura'n specifically that whenever the Qura'n mentioned a story then it gives detailed explanation of all things about the story like in the case of the story Yusuf[Joseph] the Qura'n gives the detailed explanation of all things in that story because through the Qura'n today we know during Joseph's time leaders were Kings but not actually Pharaohs because the Bible mentioned the leaders during Joseph's time were Pharaoh which is totally inaccurate and does not with History but when the rosetta stone was discovered in 1799 that leaders of Joseph's time were Kings and not Pharaoh and the Pharaoh dynasty came later. So this why the Qura'n said it's a detailed explanation of all things when its tells a story. While in chapter 3:7 it said that, others verses are unspecific, this verse is referring to the general rulings of the religion why? Because the Qura'n also tells us that Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is the one who will explained rulings of the religion because the Qura'n also said the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him does not speak out of desires so whatever he says then he is inspired by Allaah[God]. Example when someone seals so the full rulings is explained in the Hadiths because Allaah[God] said that, Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him will explained the unspecific verses rulings of the religion. So therefore there is No contradictions in the Qura'n whatsoever. You don't even know the meaning of contradiction to begin with and then you want to talk about Islam please relax. How did Judas died in the Bible? Hang himself or fall headlong or did he purchased a field with the money or the he threw the money? What was Ahaziah's age when he became a King? 22 or 42 in the same year? There are more in the Bible.
  • @rell333
    Another contradiction is that the Quran says Mohammed was the first Muslim explicitly several times. It also says that Abraham was a Muslim. Unless Abraham came after mooohameed, then there is a contradiction.
  • The problem is the abdools haven't read it, don't know arabic, and have no way of arguing rationally. They fear the consequences so will lie, deceive, deny and tap dance.
  • A book can’t be fully explained and not fully explained at the same time. That is P and not P, a textbook example of a contradiction.
  • @deltadom33
    Creation days in the Qur'an is one I like to use as there are so many
  • Smh. Yet again, just like all of the career haters of Islam, Avery uses verses from the Quran to try to refute Islam, yet never includes the context of the verses BECAUSE THEY DEBUNK HIS ENTIRE ARGUMENT! Quran chapter 3 verse 7 He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which some verses are precise—they are the foundation of the Book—while others are elusive.1 Those with deviant hearts follow the elusive verses seeking ˹to spread˺ doubt through their ˹false˺ interpretations—but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺—it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason. The verse literally is talking about people like Avery who don’t understand the verses and try to use them to push false narratives. And it says in the verse that the creator understands the verses. Aka just because you are too small minded to understand, doesn’t mean the verses are not true/a contradiction.
  • The verse of abrogation was delivered to correct contradictions.
  • Exactly! Islam contricates many things while we know God is unchanging in his mercy 'his holiness and just nature but islam contricates many of the 10 commandments and God's mercy.
  • 100% a contradiction. You can’t say this book is detailed explanation, and than say that same book has ambiguous verses. Which is it my Muslim friends, Detailed or ambiguous? Because it can’t be both, it’ll contradict.
  • @simifire79
    It seems to be Chef logic had apprenticeships at Shamoun's kitchen. Just a good advise to those who would like to taste it the Shamounian cusine, be careful because those spiritual food is not milk but solid and not just solid but spicy very spicy 😂 So if you still on milk then may you can ask Chef Logic to cook you something beetween or something sweet pastry before he would offer you adult food So do not make a mistake like who criticised the Shamounian "kitchen" and was ask to cook something else because he couldn’t digest it.😅 God bless you all 🙏
  • @jenzwer
    Jesus Christus ist der Weg die Wahrheit und das Leben
  • All praise be to Almighty Allah, I testify that there's no God but Allah and prophet Muhammad is His messenger 💚💚💚
  • 💀 How is that a contradiction Detailed doesn’t automatically equal clear