Losing Our Sanity With the Latest MTG Unset

This week, Thoralf & Carl are sleeving up Unfinity as we lose our minds and try to figure out how stickers work in MTG.

Try the set out yourself here: www.cardmarket.com/en/Magic/Products/Booster-Boxes…
!Opinions expressed in this video are those of the author/video creator and not necessarily Cardmarket.

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コメント (21)
  • I see Carl wore his chainmail in case any of the uncards forced his opponents to literally attack him.
  • im pretty sure the hands are meant to be touching "a real handful", not touching themselves : )
  • I love the idea of using Animate Graveyard with Graveyard Busybody. Your graveyard is everyone's graveyards, and has all text boxes of creatures in those graveyards.
  • Personally I would REALLY REALLY like to see you guys do some two-headed giant!!!
  • @Loki-
    The editing in this is actually off the charts. I was going to point one out that I liked, but then there were quickly too many edits to count! Carl you have topped yourself once again! Great work. I was hoping for a second round because it was so fun. I had this much fun drafting this at my house with family, but it is way better as sealed. The attractions take up too many cards and we had no choice for removing any cards and we were forced to go 3 color decks.
  • @Cawby
    I love how you guys read "when you are touching this card" as holding your own hand 🤣🤣
  • As goofy as un-sets tend to be, this one seems like a really, really solid and fun time in a vacuum (i.e. limited) Tons of great moments from this video!
  • I knew Thoralf would love Nearby Planet! Tell him that I drafted it and Urza’s Fun house (which gives infinite mana when you have Tron) and used the infinite mana at my release night draft multiple times
  • Nearby Planet taps for any colour of mana, btw. It has all the basic types, so it can tap for any one colour (but not colourless).
  • This set is super fun as unsets tend to be. I played in a sealed event at SCGON Dallas and everyone had a blast. Even when I wasn’t playing I was actively being roped into other games and had a ton of fun with all the mini-games being played.
  • This is the best and funniest magic video I've seen in a loooong while!
  • @AJKiesel
    5:02 It's "i ain't readin all that i'm happy for u tho or sorry that happened" Thorlaf. But I have to say, from time to time I share the sentiment of the meme. Haha, Jamin having Carls back. Nice!
  • Looks like you guys had a lot of fun with this one 😄, great video!
  • Thoralf : If its Jamin we pick B Jamin: Ok, I'll pick B for you Thoralf Thoralf: surprised pikachu face
  • One of the best Gameplay Videos i have seen recently - a BO3 would have been the best for me. I would die to see you do this again
  • @Bigd2k
    I don’t think I’ve ever been so amused and confused by the same thing in my life. Now excuse me while I go look up what set you were playing with. Also a round or applause for them keeping everything straight.