Li'l Wally's Greatest Hits

Leaving For The Service (Odjezdzam Do Wojska) 00:00
Our Break Up (Nasze Rozlaczenie) 02:39
For Two Bucks (Za Dwa Dalary) 05:43
Old Lady (Staro Baba Oberek) 08:15
Pod Mostem Polka 10:30
Lucky Stop 13:27
On My Wedding (Na Mojem Weselu) 16:25
Polish Sausage Polka (Hot Ciuk Polska Kiotbasa) 18:50
Ooh-La-La Polka 21:51
Happy Birthday Polka (Dzien Urodzin) 25:02
Ladna Dziewczyna 28:06
Chicago Is A Polka Town 30:45
Zosia Polka 32:51
Please Believe Me 35:33
Kalina W Lesie 37:30

コメント (21)
  • I'm 75 now but in 1959, when I was around 12, we bought a house in the Humboldt Park area of chicago. One day as I sat on the couch in front of the big window, I spotted a big van pulling in to the driveway of the house in front of ours. A big sign was painted on the sides of the truck, Li'l Wally Dance Band and out poured a bunch of guys that walked in to the house and behind them was a car with other guys that were with them. My sister and I were smart enough to know these were famous musicians. Little Wally lived across the street from our house!
  • @jkwiat114
    WOW! What a treat to wake up this morning and hear the music that has been and continues to be a cherished part of my life. I consider L'il Wally to be the FATHER of modern Polish Polka Music here in the US who gave rise to all of the many other Polish Polka Bands and musicians who played HIS compositions at Polish Weddings and Celebrations throughout the country, I am proud to say that I was one of them and can't Thank You enough for preserving and posting these CLASSIC POLISH SONGS, BOG ZAPLAC!!
  • Thank you Michael for sharing these old time favorites! I'm teaching myself these Polish songs and laughing at myself at the same time! Such great Polish music. I saw Li'l Wally many years ago and he put on an awesome concert! Great, innocent fun!! Miss those good old days!
  • Muzyka Lil Wally’ego zawsze będzie w naszych sercach. Pozdrowienia od Polaków z północnej Francji!
  • A beautiful job putting this video together, with precise perfection of words and album jacket for each song!! No excuses must sing-a-long!! Thank you!!! May Lil Wallys music live forever!!!!
  • Man what memories! My dad would load up the big console record player with a stack of 33 1/3 lil Wally albums. He’d look at album covers smoke a cigar and sip some peva. This was in the 70’s I was just a kid then. It’s crazy that music can trigger memories. Thank you for posting.
  • I believe Don Lucki (1933-2003) played trumpet on several of these songs. Simple arrangements. Classic songs. Brought back memories. Great to see the lyrics as well
  • I still play at least one Little Wally song on my weekly Saturday Polka Review radio show.