Former colleagues recall working with Kamala Harris in San Francisco

Published 2024-07-21

All Comments (21)
  • @lunte1971
    They forgot to tell the viewers that she is a BULLY . She has the biggest turnover in staffs
  • @mv-gil4964
    told by a person similar to Biden🙄
  • @bikedawg
    Harris' staff doesn't like her. she went thru a lot of staff turnover.
  • 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 she was the worst. She held a man on a death row even though SHE had imfo that would have freed him. Finally she was forced to reveal it and he was taken off of death row. She kept hundreds behind bars beyond thier sentences to use for free labor
  • Her ex supervisor got half of it right "SHE'S A BROAD" ALRIGHT! THATS IT!!!!!
  • Trump can't believe his luck.what a disaster she has been "I've been to the boarder" yes you have but not the southern boarder"
  • Sorry, just can't vote for her. We need a strong president to fix America and Harris is not this person
  • @waynesilva9157
    Ya, she use to go into Willie Brown 's office and she would come out all disheveled and she would be coughing like there was something stuck in her throat and she would cough up a hairball and she would have a fresh 20 dollar bill in her hand.the darn dist thing you ever saw.
  • @beanbag345
    She'll be working together to work together, while making sure they're together doing work...and it'll be good working together to solve problems.
  • Did Kamala do Word Salad speeches and presentations back then too?