I discovered a new mechanic in Rocket League

Published 2023-05-17

All Comments (21)
  • @SimpleShark
    Wow, this video really enlightened me to the ideals of passing the ball. Instead of doing an air dribble double tap and missing the open net, I should just hit the ball to my teammate to miss the wide open net. Now that my teammates are missing instead of me, it's no longer my fault that I'm losing, it's my teammates fault. Since losing is no longer my fault, I no longer have stress playing Rocket League. Who knew that passing would open up a stress free way to play this game!
  • @ShiftyGOSU
    Thank you Sunless, i just lost 10games in a row but it sure was fun playing 1v1
  • @GrandToast
    As someone who passes and has their teammate rarely there, this hits me in the feels.
  • @Absolomx
    This is so accurate, I've been playing RL for 8 years now and I was wondering what changed. I never noticed that pro players don't really pass anymore, but it makes so much more sense now. I used to pass a lot and I've had to adjust my playstyle because teammates are not ready for passes most of the time. I'm having way less fun in RL since the last 2 years and this explains a lot. Thanks Sunless
  • @HeisenbergFam
    "all Rocket League players are selfish assholes" one of the most accurate sentences said in history
  • @peanut_gaming
    There is no worse feeling than when you hit the crispest pass ever around both defenders in 2v2 that rolls right in front of the net only for your teammate to be back in your net because they rotated fully out when their solo play didn’t work
  • I've mained a support type role in every game I've played, video or real life. Hitting a dime of a pass to a teammate to put them in a great position has always been way more exciting than sinking the shot. Getting someone else involved in success is almost always more fulfilling than doing it myself. It's been hard adjusting in RL, but man when you get a teammate who's willing to wait a second for a good opportunity, very few things feel better. Thanks for making a video for the "support", pass-first players. <3
  • @5liam
    Man watching old clips of Lachino makes me feel so nostalgic. Their passing clips look insane and it's always been a fun part of the game. I think the biggest issue people have with passing is the trust they have to put on another stranger, setting aside their ego and pride and putting the fate of a goal in the hands of someone they quite frankly don't trust.
  • I am a pass-first player in GC. I had a teammate tell me one time “your play style relies too heavily on your teammates to score.” It was the weirdest way to admit they sucked at shooting I’ve ever seen.
  • @Rain_MG
    I love passing so much, every time I make a nice pass I'm so proud of myself and feel like I'm carrying the entirety of the rocket league community
  • @RambinoYT
    I grew up with Football, and my fundamentals of the sport is so ingrained to my brain that i feel lost if i dont pass in RL. It's the same sports and the same fundamentals apply here like in Football. I have also noticed that a few years ago when Mech where starting to catch more and more eyes and people were told to go free play to practice their air dribble bumps, their double flip resets and their double flip reset to back board read YY ladder stall across the map throwing knife goals that people forgot what we are playing. Yes being a Messi and going past players and being able to Solo at times is great, but what's even more great is team play and setting people/your team up for success over your own ''greatness'' is so much more satisfying and fun. Now when i pass it feels like people get confused or if im in a passing position and my team mates goes solo and messes up leaving me in a shit spot is somehow my fault. The game has changed and i feel like it's not for the better. The game has become very selfish and toxic because of it...wish we could go back to old School rocket league where We Dem Girlz, Gale Esports, FlipSid3 Tactics ruled the game with extreme team play and passing plays. Now we have 15 year old kids thinking they need to be the one on the field doing everything....it's so lame now
  • @GoldKeralis
    I honestly like passing a lot more, but it does really depend on your teammates being properly ready for it there was one time I played a 6-3 match, I was on the winning team in 3v3, and I assisted almost every goal except 1, fair to say my teammates loved it
  • @Rohn_Music
    Can’t wait to learn why people refuse to pass
  • @matKilla9801
    I do try to pass as often as the situation allows, but it is easy to tunnel vision and miss pass opportunities. I have noticed that my random teammates basically never pass though. Even when both of us are in perfect positioning, and I am in their view, they still go for the solo play instead of the pass. It’s crazy, because passing plays are so much more effective.
  • @itzkiblo
    The funny thing is that i actually go for a lot of passing plays especially when playing with friends but then i usually end up laughing at them for missing my 6th open net pass. Anytime there is an assist challenge i dread it bc i know even tho I'll only go for passes my tm8s will just mess it up somehow or be gone in Narnia while the ball slowly rolls in front of an open net.
  • @luoqiwang3727
    There are two types of Sunless videos, ones that are basically just random tournaments or challenges that he came up in showers; the other ones are what makes him the greatest RL content creator ever existed, ones that talks about his absolute most accurate observations and facts about the community. This is one of them. I personally think this video should be watched by every single player above plat because I couldn’t agree more with every single sentence he said.THANK YOU Sunless❤
  • @benmiller232
    I happened to be playing when this video came out so I stopped watched the video and went back to playing, when I went back to playing I passed a lot more in my next game and I ended up making the other team forfeit. Thanks sunless for the valuable advice
  • @Patukah1879
    Wow after watching this video, I can confirm these tips are an absolute game changer! Now instead of missing the open net, I can PASS the ball so my teammate can miss the open net for me!
  • Such an enlightening topic to talk about. Sunless covered some amazing points! Such a lovely message embedded in the video! Thank you Sunless
  • @smokeyyt8802
    when I first started playing this game I got lucky and got placed in plat in my duos. at first I would get destroyed, but after I dropped down a while later, I really learned that I can rely on my teammate. this mindset made all the difference in getting better, and made the game much more fun.