Gene Deal Goes Off On Misa Hylton For Blaming Him For Starting The Rumor That Wolf Is Justin’s Dad.

Gene Deal on Misa Hylton blaming him for spreading the rumor that Diddy's son Justin Combs real father is wolf.

コメント (21)
  • "Shouldn't owe me nothing if you got millionaires running through you" That's the nicest Quote he ever said!
  • It's crazy that Gene would take a bullet for her and she won't pay him 750$
  • “ I had more money at the time than China had rice “ 😮🙅🏽‍♂️😂
  • ....Gene: "I ain't gon tell her bidness" ....Art: "You say she had millionaires runnin thru her?"
  • All Diddy children looks like Diddy except Justin. Go figure
  • @B0RRAC0
    You got him all riled up "Mighty!" 🤣
  • Grandmother's know they grandchildren and that is real talk
  • You can blame Gene all you want miss. The thing she didn’t do is reject Gene’s comments whether or not that isn’t the truth
  • “He the type to wonder why his son and his best friend look alike” -Math Hoffa 😂😂😂
  • Even if Wolf isn’t the father… It’s definitely not Diddy. He isn’t capable of making a child that looks like Justin. Even his mixed children look very much like him.
  • @Mandown21
    You can see that’s not Diddy’s son. She think we are all blind 😂
  • 😂😂 that boy look just like he's momma and real daddy 😂😂
  • Misa has bad money management skills. Her house got foreclosed on while she was getting $21,000 a month in child support. It was the highest child support payment in New York history.
  • Im hoping $250 meant $250k😂 please don't be $250.00😂😂😂