Examining Rising Deaths: Who's Really Responsible? | The Way I Heard It

Publicado 2024-07-24

Todos los comentarios (21)
  • @jorgejunco4907
    One mouse said to the other mouse, have you taken the vaccine? The other mouse replied with "not yet, they are still testing it on the humans ".
  • The Google Covid disclaimer is a badge that means the video is “must watch”. Thanks Feds! And FKH!
  • @davidhale1850
    "If you don't read the newspapers, you are uninformed, if you do, you are misinformed." Mark Twain
  • @MrRFAvery
    I never dreamed i would see the country in the shape it is in. I trust nothing anymore.
  • I am a Licensed funeral director and the death rate is definitely up on people under 60 years old
  • @keno77
    I refused the jab and even when losing my job, I didn't care because I knew it was bad. Me and my wife studied everything we could find in three languages and printed hundreds of different studies and reports. We are still here while many friends, neighbors and colleges aren't here anymore. But we will never forget the pressure they put us through,no flights,no trains,no restaurants and it was very close to stop us from entering the supermarkets as well, so no we don't forget.
  • @Charlie-br1sv
    Healthcare worker here. Young people are still dying and many others are getting cancer and when it’s found it’s already too late for any kind of treatment. All of this began shortly after the vaccine rollout.
  • @jimdandy3460
    Weird how the algorithm just put a covid warning on this video. Feeling guilty are they?
  • @stuffhappens5681
    Here’s the question everyone missed. When has it ever been protocol to scare people during any sort of casualty event? There’s a reason you don’t yell fire in a crowded auditorium. Yet at no time did our expert trusted institutions ever send a message of, “This might be bad but don’t worry we got this.” Instead they acted like they knew nothing and the sky was falling. And it worked. I saw many examples of people behaving badly. They were scared out of their wits. There was no effort to calm people whatsoever. Just wear your useless mask and roll up your sleeve. And those who question things or heaven forbid resist should be treated like rats. Our institutions FAILED us on multiple levels. They led many thousands to unnecessary deaths.
  • @mkultraviolenc3
    Pure-blood here, still going strong. Don't let these sick individuals try to make you forget what they did to us all. Never back down, never give in.
  • @msparr01
    My mom was in a nursing home when the "shots" came out. She asked me what I was hearing and I told her not to take the shot, period. I had been told to wear a mask at work a few months earlier. I told them no and my career was over the next day. 20 years prior, I created a side hustle and by the time I was getting fired for not putting a dunce cap on my face, my company was earning double what my day job was. Living really well today and still the sole provider for my family. My wife never even had to think about getting a job. When you're told to be afraid, don't be.
  • @FarmerKen355
    I want to know what kills a healthy 23 year old young man, one Saturday morning he gets out of bed walks to the toilet across the hall from his bedroom, return a moment later and walk into his bedroom and fell over dead. Never drank, never took drugs, never kissed a girl all he ever did is work to make his life better, graduated UNI Queensland with Class ONE Honors with a Degree in Electrical Engineering. Had a great life in front of him. I am his father and every day we would hug at least once. Had taken a job a year ago and every 90 days got a very good raise. I did 25 minutes of CPR while ambo arrived and in his bedroom they did 3 rounds of electro shock and adrenaline to no avail. When pressed the Coroner could not give an answer, Death Certificate says "Cause Unknown". Really?? or just don't want to say because he had to take the COVID shot to attend school.... Because of this my son died in my arms.
  • @mme4211
    I got one dose of pfizer as a healthcare worker--I was first in line. I was injured by this shot,--I was ill for months, not believed, bullied by my colleagues and doctor; refused all further doses and was fired from my job.
  • @fullclipaudio
    One of the benefits of living among the Amish was that we could see with our own eyes that they were not getting sick. They didn't social distance, did not wear masks and the Amish refuse all vaccines. Autism is unknown in their communities and they suffer from fewer allergies. Naturally, that convinced many of us to remain Purebloods.
  • @seanofpeace
    File this under "Sh*t we knew three years ago."
  • @Simmoriah
    Of all the things I've lost, I miss hope the most.
  • @jeffford5571
    Dr. John Campbell has relentlessly spoken about this and the links he provided to peer-reviewed studies and official government statistics is unmistakable.