The Art of Learning to Land: Real Student Lesson

Published 2024-03-01
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In this enlightening episode from Angle of Attack, we dive deep into the intricate process of flight training through the lens of Sienna, a student pilot working towards her Private Pilot certificate. Under the expert guidance of her instructor, the video meticulously documents Sienna's progress, focusing on the crucial lessons and milestones achieved during a particularly transformative flight lesson.

The video starts with an overview of the day's objectives, setting the stage for a session filled with learning and advancement. Sienna, at the controls, demonstrates her growing aptitude for flying, showcasing significant improvements in her handling of the aircraft from takeoff to landing.

Throughout the flight, several key areas of pilot training are emphasized:

Pre-Flight Checks: The importance of thorough pre-flight preparations is underscored, with detailed coverage of checklists including flap settings, mixture adjustments, transponder settings, and the significance of ensuring all systems are go before takeoff.

Takeoff and Initial Climb: Sienna's technique on takeoff and climb is scrutinized, highlighting the critical aspects of maintaining control and stability as the aircraft ascends.

Pattern Work: Much of the video concentrates on pattern work, a fundamental exercise for student pilots. Sienna navigates through various phases of the traffic pattern, including crosswind, downwind, base, and final approaches, with her instructor providing real-time feedback and adjustments to improve her flight path, airspeed control, and situational awareness.

Landing Techniques: A significant portion of the lesson focuses on the art of landing. Sienna practices multiple landings, with each attempt dissected to offer viewers insight into proper landing techniques, the importance of airspeed management, the role of flaps, and the critical timing of power adjustments. The challenges of aligning with the runway, executing smooth touchdowns, and the nuances of flare and roll-out are explored in depth.

Instructor Intervention: The dynamics of instructor intervention are also showcased, with moments where the instructor takes control to demonstrate correct procedures or to ensure safety, serving as valuable learning opportunities for both Sienna and the audience.

Post-Flight Analysis: The video wraps up with a reflective post-flight analysis, where Sienna and her instructor discuss the day's flight, emphasizing the lessons learned, areas for improvement, and strategies for future sessions. This dialogue reinforces the importance of continuous learning and the value of constructive feedback in pilot training.

Throughout the episode, the progression from instructor-led guidance to student independence is evident, capturing the essence of flight training—building confidence, competence, and the skills necessary for solo flight. This detailed play-by-play description of a flight lesson offers an invaluable resource for aspiring pilots, providing a realistic glimpse into the journey from student to certified pilot, all set against the stunning backdrop of Alaska's aviation landscape.

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All Comments (21)
  • @angleofattack
    Hope you enjoy this video! Let us know which landing was best.
  • @KevinKoperski
    These videos are great. I'm a student, and it's rewarding to see we're all going through the same struggles. Thanks to Sienna for letting us follow along!
  • @jhaedtler
    It is the look on the Students face when they nail a perfect landing! That is what it is all about! Thanks for the great Videos!
  • @Adrian-qt6qr
    As an ultralight CFI, I follow a lot one advice my instructor taught me: If you touch the controls, make sure the student notices you're doing it. Don't be that instructor that is constantly correcting his student unnoticed. I also let the student keep going, as long as it's not so dangerous. He will learn a hell lot more from a slammed landing. I'm on the impression you were over correcting too much on previous lessons. Another thing I do a lot is cheer the student with any tiny little progress he makes, event if there are still things to improve. If I was on your boots on that flight I would have celebrated a lot more. BTW, good you made one landing, to both let her remember how a good one looks like, and also let her release the pressure; I do the same after 5 or more touch & goes in a row. At the end, each instructor has his own tricks and methods, that doesn't mean ones are better or others are wrong. And also, some students need different ways to learn.
  • @shotokanads3325
    The fact that you tweak things at certain points is a clear indication to the student that there is something connected to that particular procedure that needs more work. I think is a much better instructional process rather than just giving verbal responses. Its great watching Sienna go through this process.
  • @eugeneweaver3199
    FYI, it's really hard to judge landings on video for us who are not CFIs. I truly enjoy watching Sienna. Her sweet intelligence is just amazing! I really look forward to your videos! You are a great instructor, I really appreciate your efforts to constantly improve. Throttle on! 36:56 36:56
  • I love watching the joy on her face when she smiles. She is a nice young lady, I hope she does well.
  • @rdwit659
    It's very good to see that you are trying to keep your hands off of the controls, that's got to be a confidence booster for the student. One thing that I'd like to see is for Sienna to talk YOU through every step of the process. This would give you the best opportunity to evaluate her understanding as well as to help cement the process in her mind. Great videos!
  • @dalzmar
    Too bad I live in the lower 48, if I ever get up that way would really be nice to share a cockpit and do some training. Always great to see instructor that actually focus on the students and not on hours. May you get back the blessing you bestow upon others love the videos
  • @nealsandy8464
    Love the lesson videos. I'm about 15 hours into my training and I dont think i've had a single day that wasn't full of crosswinds for landings. I'd rather learn in those difficult situations but it's never easy. I like how concise you are with your students.
  • @paulki8fr
    I dont think she is looking down the runway. I sure do love your videos keep up the good work young lady.
  • @johnqdoe
    So much positive support and attention. She’s very lucky.
  • @CaptMoo
    So cool to see Siena getting better and better each video
  • @chigsy
    Your channel is by far the best aviation channel on YouTube, especially for new pilots! Hello from London :)
  • I like the bubble view on Sienna. We get to see her focus. She tends to turn wide onto final then fights for the proper altitude, alignment, and glideslope all the way down. Maybe right traffic was throwing her. There were a couple of times she captured final perfectly and just maintained it all the rest of the way. Those were her best landings.
  • I have loved following sienna path and seeing the progress she has made. You are a hell of an instructor.
  • @Airship413
    Nice job Savannah! last landing was butter. Keep in mind of your wind correction. Air speed is KING.
  • @keithfeller8957
    Loving every bit of this. Keep up just how you feel it needs done.