AI Generated Videos Just Changed Forever


コメント (21)
  • @angerock49
    My only positive hope is that it gets so impossible to trust anything online, that people go back to caring more about real life
  • @steveguyman
    the world is not prepared for how much damage this is gonna do to virtually every aspect of our lives
  • @toddlemmon
    Excellent. The most terrifying thing you said: "This is the worst this technology will ever be from here on out."
  • When I was saying that AI was going to ruin people in my field (digital illustration) they laughed at me and said I was a grumpy old man. In one year I lost 50% of my business and some of my colleagues have been let go. Let's see what happens in another 2-3 years.
  • @dizzy-117
    "Sora, please generate a version Game of Thrones Seasons 6-8 if they didn't suck."
  • @WilliamHaisch
    Jobs I never thought AI would affect: - Drone Pilot - Dog
  • @CardanoETF
    this can quickly turn into a nightmare scenario. imagine you doing something illegal on video that never happened ... you will have to prove its fake, not the court
  • @kdenny3272
    Dude you’ll never be replaced. Over the long term people want real. I watch your videos cause of you. An AI tech reviewer would maybe interest some people but I don’t believe for long.
  • The Will Smith AI video is the most horrific thing I’ve ever seen
  • For me, the scariest part is the ability to rewrite the past by generating old footage. The era of being able to trust/believe photographic images is over.
  • @baut1
    It's all shit and giggles until you see a video of yourself commiting a crime you didn't commit in the courtroom
  • Thank you for such a great run through, explaining, exploration. Subbed and look forward to future adventures.
  • @FilmshooterOH
    I teaching filmmaking and have been talking to my students about AI. I tell them they have two options. 1. Be so good they can't ignore you. 2. Be a plumber because everybody poops.
  • This was an awesome video, very well made and informative. I love how you talk about the good things and the dangers of these AI advancements.
  • Very Impressive! 2:20 her right boots are also strangely changing size 3:17 the wheels needs more detail as they don't really look like they're moving 3:31 the middle puppy cheek looks like its having that jell stretching affect
  • @nickentros
    The real test is asking this model to do the Will Smith eating spaghetti video again
  • @DubaiDays367
    what scares me most is actually seeing a real video and people discard it as AI
  • @MissesWitch
    "drone pilot" must've been one of the most short-lived jobs ever!
  • It has this very dreamlike quality, where the inconsistency is not much of a problem, and sometimes just a reflection of your state of mind. If you use it to generate a film set of a town, between different shots streets connect different ways or horses appear/disappear if you're not looking through the corner of your eye --- and your friend's house is twice as far as last time whenever you're in a hurry, running is much harder when chased, and so forth.