Generative AI in a Nutshell - how to survive and thrive in the age of AI

Published 2024-01-20
Basically a full day AI course crammed into 18 mins of drawing & talking. Target audience: Everyone.

Covers questions like What is generative AI, how does it work, how do I use it, what are some of the risks & limitations. Also covers things like autonomous agents, the role of us humans, prompt engineering tips, AI-powered product development, origin of ChatGPT, different types of models, and some tips about mindset around this whole thing.

Here is the full drawing:…

Voice translations:
- German:    • Generative KI auf den Punkt gebracht ...  
- Ukrainian:    • Стисло про генеративний ШІ  

Would you like to make a voice translation? ElevenLabs can do really voice translation which even sounds like me :)
You can also do a manual dub with your own voice if you prefer. Whatever works best.
1. Check out
2. Make the video & upload it to youtube or somewhere.
3. Make sure the description shows that this is an AI translation, and include a link to the original video.
4. Send a link to me (for example via a comment) and I'll add it above.

If you have practical questions you can ask Stefan Kirschnick, he made the German dub.

All Comments (21)
  • How wonderful that we live in a time where incredible content like this is available for free on the internet
  • @binauralfortune
    man, your ability to explain it using simple drawings and paint the full picture in just 17 minutes is frikin amazing! Guys like you are rare. Keep going, compadre!
  • @henrikkniberg
    I get hundreds of comments of people asking how I make these videos, what tools I use, what process, etc. Well, I was recently interviewed about that in the Visual Jam podcast, and there I show hands-on how I make videos. So if you are curious about that, check out the video: We start by talking about other things (my experiences from Spotify, LEGO, Minecraft development, etc). The how-do-I-make-videos part starts around 26:10.
  • “Learn and think” are VERY STRONG terms. It’s a massive data engine - so nothing there has changed… it’s just reached amazing levels of processing,storage and analysis.
  • One of the most clarifying, comprehensive, helpful, insightful videos I 've seen on this topic. Really excellent.
  • @viperphlyer4708
    I've worked in and around AI since the mid-90s, and this is one of the best explanations of the current state-of-the-art I've seen. It's a semester course crammed into eighteen minutes. I'm sharing this with a long list of people. Thanks!
  • @vsbelieve
    I have done 11+ course (around 40+ hours) on Generative AI and LLMs but let me tell you 70% of that was covered in this tiny 18 minute video, This video is so simple and so informative, feels illegal to be free. Thanks Henrik great work!
  • I LOVE the picture explanations of all your content! It really helps the visual learners and artists!!!! You packed a TON of super good information in a time frame that is much more bareable to sit and listen to. Some people sit and talk for 1-2 hours and it is PAINFUL to listen to regardless of the good information bytes in them. Well done and I look forward to following you more!
  • The best explanation of Generative AI on YouTube. Thank you for sharing.
  • @SJV992
    Thanks for taking the time to produce this brilliant summary Henrik. I'm going to practice my prompting like you suggest. Exciting times ahead if we approach it positively and remain vigilant to the possible pitfalls.
  • @decibond
    Very nice video Henrik. Clear storyline with very useful information, guiding the audience to think along. Your drawing skills made it very enjoyable and a very nice summary in the end. Loved it!!
  • @JoePandur
    I’ll give this video three more thumbs up 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 We need more of your talent here Henrik!. Congrats!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  • @willwebster6105
    Fantastic. Great to see a new video from Henrik. Love your style, you are a great teacher at scale!
  • I hope this video gets seen by a lot more people, it's one of the best AI related videos I've seen! Super clear and informative and has a lot of charm with the drawings 😄
  • @RammyAndrei
    I am amazed how well you structured everything.... and sharing the drawing is 🤯 unexpected. Congrats and many thanks! 👏🏼
  • @johnpingo9133
    This was the best introduction to LLMs that I've found on YouTube. It presented some very complex topics in an easy to understand and fun manner. Thank you!
  • Aaah Henrik! Trust you to come up with a clear, entertaining, useful, rich video that demystifies and appeals to individuals of all ages, stages and walks of life, in under 20 mins! My groupie status continues! Sharing far and wide! Thank you!!!!
  • @peaceeze9854
    This is easily the best explanation on generative AI that I have see. Thanks for this!
  • @ianmorris8449
    This is truly illuminating and insightful - the best 20-min intro to GenAI I have come across. Thankful to have been steered to this, and will now steer many more in this direction 🙂
  • @shecreates
    This was AMAZING! Thank you for putting the time and energy into creating this incredible visual explanation. I know first hand the hours and hours these take. Well Done!