Pro climber pretends to be beginner at climbing gym


コメント (21)
  • @MC-ep8cu
    The most impressive thing about this video is how magnus actually thinks his disguise is good.
  • @jeepercreep12
    "To pull this off I decided to go the extra mile" Proceeds to get recognised instantly 😂
  • The dude helping out and providing tips the whole time deserves some major appreciation, what a nice guy
  • @xxmorancxx
    That guy sacrificed his whole climb session to guide a beginner, what a champ. I was once a beginner runner and volunteer run group leaders gave up their session to pace me and do run backs. That kind of selflessness is so heart warming. Now I am doing the same for the beginners.
  • @ryandixon8202
    I dont think Magnus realises just how famous he is amongst climbers 😂 also possibly overestimates how much these disguises mask his identity. Always quality entertainment though
  • “You’re not Eric” The funniest line I’ve heard in a long time
  • @paulyD62
    Hi this is Paul, yep that one. It’s taken a few days for me to actually pluck up the courage and watch the video, but I think it came out pretty good in the end. The main thing to take out of it imo is what a great community the climbing community is. I’ve scrolled down through some of the comments and will add a few of my own. The film “crew” is just one guy. There was supposed to be a female staff member who had no idea who Magnus is “starring” in the video but she had to pull out last minute so the owners had to try me! The vast majority of our customers will never visit a different climbing gym yet alone climb outdoors which is why we use the 4 point belay method as opposed to 5 point. It may look awkward but it’s not, and has the advantage of the belayer always having 2 hands on the tail of the rope. But if customers wish to use 5 point and can do it safely we don’t mind. Manny was brilliant and is truly a great guy and a credit to our local climbing community and all that we stand for. Thanks mate👍 More than happy to answer any more questions you guys may have.
  • @idapajakari54
    that liquid chalk squirt into the chalk bag had me in stitches. Also the " how often do you need to change the battery". awesome coaches too, makes me proud of climbing community :')
  • @faintedmemo
    As a bigger guy, I've been apprehensive about getting into climbing because I never thought I'd be good at it. Seeing a heavier guy in this video who's a decent climber was really cool. It's actually motivated me to finally give it a shot. Edit: Since making this comment, I've been bouldering at least twice a week every week and plan to continue it :)
  • @mdhindley
    Gotta send some love out to Manny. The patience and kindness he gave to Erick, who was a glorious dumbass was a testament to him. You're a good dude Manny. 🎉🙌
  • @shaneintegra
    Dude in the glasses is a prime example of the people you want around you when getting into a hobby, understanding n patient. Way too often you have the more experienced people come in and just shit on the new people just to make themselves feel better. That has always been such a pet peeve of mine
  • @jakobmate
    The Aussie dude is so humble and genuine, proper sound guy! You should do something with him again!
  • @DNA912
    Magnus really nailed the behaviour this time. the gloves, liquid chalk down in the bag, calling bouldering free climbing.
  • @macintalkshow
    Props to the big dude for being such a bro. That's what I love about the climbing community.
  • That random dude helping out is such a homie. Everyone climbing should be that nice to new climbers, thats awesome
  • I absolutely love the people who are unaware of who you are and how genuine, kind, and patient they are. The climbing community is incredible in how they root for others.
  • @levelfift33n
    the climbing instructor was totally loving being in on the gig. such a wholesome video <3
  • Honestly don't get how he's so skilled at being both amazing at climbing and being bad at climbing. Keep it up Mag ! 😁
  • @lastlings
    Props to the guy holding Magnus' rope. Very friendly and you really showed your enthusiasm in climbing!
  • @madness7968
    The "bigger" guy is such a sweetheart! Excellent instructor, and excellent partner!