Veridian Apt Fire 7/1/24

Published 2024-07-01
07/01/2024 Lexington Fire Dept responded to the Veridian Apartments on Armstrong mill road for a structure fire. during the battle the order to evacuate was given which is where this video starts.

Somehow an aluminum ladder against the bravo side balcony fell away from the structure and fell into powerlines running along man o war Blvd causing the base of the ladder to start arcing violently the ladder was hung up in the powerlines for some time before power was cut... master streams went into play and eventually knocked down the bulk of the fire.. 3rd floor of the complex was fairly well destroyed. lower units taking smoke and water damage. no one was injured thankfully.

All Comments (11)
  • Glad that no one related to this incident was injured, thank you to all firefighters everywhere for protecting the citizens of your coverage area.
  • Wow what a blaze! Entering the fray as the trucks sounded get out! Power lines coming down! Fighting the fire outside the building is tough but safer for the FD. I never second guess the Captains orders.
  • I know those apartments. Right by Armstrong Mill Rd. It's nice to see Lexington KY fire department represented.
  • It took an awful long time for the ladder truck to start putting water on the fire.
  • @GerryJ08
    This fire appears to have started on the upper floor and spread into the attic/roof or started in the roof. It's not really a deal seated fire in this case. I'd say yes if the fire started in the basement or main level, tore through the main and upper levels before taking g out the roof. So a more broader stream and less of a water laser type spray pattern? Yes?
  • Doubt anyone commenting here was at this fire or knew what the IC’s plan was. If there were FFs doing an internal attack then using an elevated stream could subject those members to being steam scalded - no thanks. We only got to see two sides of the bldg so without knowing the variables it’s conjecture at best. I know three things for certain, the roof needs replacing, Lexington Fire has nice equipment & last, the ladder involved with the power line isn’t going to pass inspection. Hope those residents had renters insurance, it’s cheap comparatively speaking and will protect you from someone else’s bad day.
  • Can someone explain to me the rationale in have a straight stream blasting everything it touches to kingdom come? Would a flare spray pattern be more effective in this case?
  • One question ... Why you did not move for 12 minutes? You give us the same view, the same action for 12 minutes. Very bizarre!