Christmas 2023 aftermath/ moving out in 2024

Published 2023-12-31
Shortest Christmas aftermath video I ever made. Sorry there hasn't been any video's often, but in this aftermath video, I will explain why.

All Comments (12)
  • @ShadowRamcat
    I understand what you mean. I hope you'll keep up with your stuff you're organizing for your new place. And nice presents you got.
  • Here's a list of video ideas for 2024: Cat in the Hat becomes smart Officer Shy Guy's backstory Tony the tiger returns Bowser Jr and Leopold drop out Bowser Jrs Playstation 5 Bowser Jr's Clone Mario plush squid game series Bowser kills Bowser Jr Bowser's bank robbery Koopa family therapy Koopalings go to foster care Bowser goes to a mental hospital Dr. Luigi Marios Elephant Power-Up Wario's Diabetes Wario's Crappy World Record Harold Slikk works for Bowser Knuckles girlfriend The Baby Bros. The Wrong Frog Hope u like my ideas👍
  • The following presents "Disney (MrMarioFan12/LionKing)" got........ Slipperanha Plant Switchcube Joycons Bath and Body Works Bourbons Mickey Mouse Cup LionWare Move It Sonic Super-RECstar The other presents he got are house needs. For those who haven't watched his Super Mario Wonder streams, he will be moving out of this house soon. Yes, Disney HIMSELF (LionKing) is going to move out of his house to get a place of his own this next year (2024), though no moving date's been confirmed. The reason he hasn't been doing so many videos is because he's working on that new home that he will be moving into. No, there's still work on that new home, so maybe at the start of this new year is when this house will be DONE. At this moment, the new home is still getting some work. The reason he's not been posting videos is because he's been SO Busy doing work on the house. I would say the amount of time it takes to do work on the new house would be the following 2 things: The amount of time it takes to complete his favorite quest (Crescendo of the Blood Moon) being an HOUR without any deaths or skips, and the amount of time it takes to complete construction of a wooden coaster from Gravity Group and Great Coasters International (GCI), and an I-Box Coaster from Rocky Mountain Construction (RMC).
  • @moxxiefan2.055
    I'm glad you had a great Christmas. I know I did, Hope 2024 will be a great year for not only you but for all of us. Looking forward for new vid in the new house. Going to miss the vids you've made in the mid & late 2010s. Happy new year MrMarioFan12.