How to STOP Getting TILTED in RANKED - Tekken 8 ranked Anxiety

Do you feel like your ranked Anxiety controls your performance and enjoyment of the game? Do you lack Confidence as a Tekken player? In this video, I go over multiple different tips and tricks that helped me get over my fear of playing ranked so I could continue to grind the ranks! If you enjoyed this video and want to see more content like it, consider liking, subscribing, and commenting down below what else you would like to see! As always, thank you so much for the support, and I will see you all in the next video!


0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Find the root of your Anxiety
1:34 - Stop watching negative content
3:21 - Play more Quick match
4:45 - You are setting too many goals
7:54 - Honorable Mentions
8:38 - Use the Magic Mirror setting

コメント (21)
  • @Lexa1.1.2
    I’ve noticed that right after doing something i enjoy (drawing or especially after the gym) Tekken feels much much more enjoyable and I end up going on a win streak. I don’t rage when I lose I just go on. So I’d advice you to do some exercise or something before you start playing and you’ll notice that you’ll improve and get more wins
  • I had no idea what the magic mirror feature did. I usually don't mind losing, it's the toxic taunting and teabagging after the match that usually gets to me as it happens so often. Many thanks for the video and recommendation!
  • Whenever I get completely annihilated, I go immediately to the replay channel. It tells you when a move can be ducked, tips and how to break grabs. Very useful.
  • Hey sis, just wanted to let you know that I'm a brand new Tekken player. I was in light-blue ranks when this came out, and I was thinking maybe I wasn't cut out for it, since I have pretty bad anxiety. One thing that helps me is stepping back from my computer and asking myself what I'm afraid of, and eventually I make it sound irrational enough to myself that I can muster up the bravery to do it anyway. I kept thinking about the things you said while I was practicing and playing ranked, and I've gradually been improving while managing to just barely keep myself calm enough to play well, lol. I just hit yellow ranks today! Thanks for making this.
  • I think the underlying philosophy to all this is to prioritize improvement over winning. Just cuz you lost 2 ranks in one day, it doesn't mean you got worse. You're still the same player as you were before you ranked up. Maybe you were against characters you had no idea how to counter, maybe you just had a bad day, etc. And at the same time, you can go on a 10-win streak without getting even a bit better at the game. You could've flowcharted on autopilot and your opponents just didn't know any better. That's why it's important to really gauge your skill level and recognize any improvement, no matter how big or small. Rank just shouldn't be the primary indicator of how good you are. Improving without winning beats winning without improving. Tekken is so complex and nuanced that it doesn't make much sense to base your satisfaction on medals and points going up and down. Of course, that isn't to say that there's no correlation between getting better and ranking up. But the idea is to treat getting better as one thing on its own, and let your rank increase gradually as a side effect of that improvement.
  • I'm glad I found your channel bc I've been loving everything you've been posting so far. As a newer Tekken player your content ticks every box on what I'm interested in (started out with 8 but played TTT a bit when I was a kid). Looking forward to your future stuff!
  • @Itsjfell
    Thx for telling us about the magic mirror setting. I know I should have just read what it does but it didn’t lol
  • I just have fun with the game first and foremost and I always look at it as a puzzle. I always like to analyze what I can do better and lab a character. With some characters I just give up on because there is only so much time to lab characters. Like Alisa for instance. I do my best and get bodied, but I don’t let it bother me. I just move on. Don’t care to beat her. And sometimes some players are just better and you just have to acknowledge that.
  • This is exactly how I'm feeling.The game is just sometimes overwhelming.You can't sit and enjoy a longer period of play time
  • Epic video dude something not talked about enough
  • Started a week ago and got my steve to red ranks . Been real scared to play ranked 😂
  • @canon07
    One part about ranking not just in tekken but also in other games sometimes this a problem where times you can't balance between fps gaming and fighting game at same time. You are right about the goal sometimes people wanted to rank boost to a lot of games like call of duty or valorant its becomes bad where you become inconsistent. But tekken on the other hand you can take time on rank and keep learning and that makes me went to rookie to gariyu.
  • Stop caring so much about your rank and losing in general. This helped me A LOT. When someone is completely trashing me or mashing in ranked, I'll do nothing except block, sidewalk, and punish when possible. Some nights, I'll try and win every match using only 3 or 4 attacks. I have a 40% percent win rate because of this 😂.
  • @mp32298
    Magic mirror needs to work on the other player to
  • @walruz011
    Tekken is by far the most frustrating game ive ever touched. I've already uninstalled 4 times and im getting ready to peel my fucking skin off