Lawyer describes the charges a suspect accused of starting the Park Fire could face

Published 2024-07-29
An attorney says that the punishment connected to starting a wildfire can be harsher if a jury determines that it was intentionally set, compared to if it was started because of reckless behavior.

All Comments (5)
  • @texascatmom
    Mr. Firestarter should be put in prison for life...not just a slap on the hand. 😡
  • @JRH99
    Then why wasn't PG&E charged with 85 counts of manslaughter for the Campfire???
  • @frogkisser
    I loved my home state of California. It's so sad how they coddle criminals and I'm so sad that criminals are so protected there , even when you have proof, there is a lawyer just like this who ,God Bless Him is following the loop holes in that states law. I am so sorry for all who are about to watch this criminal get away with destroying your lives as good citizens and he will go scott free. Praying for y'all from Texas.