Professors share the worst excuses they've heard

Published 2014-12-14
Everybody has a good excuse when you miss an exam or turn in the midterm essay late. Augustana College professors share some of the worst excuses they have heard.


All Comments (21)
  • @cnorhman
    "She told me her house was destroyed by a hurricane. I did some research, and her house was destroyed by a hurricane."
  • @gamerrrdude4405
    “They were having a dream about a mermaid and they wanted to go back to sleep to see how the dream ended” Fucking legend
  • @karatechick306
    These are mostly not excuses, but actually good reasons for extensions! I once had a student who had defended his mom against a person wielding a knife. They both survived, and he came to class with his hands and fingers in casts and splints. I told him I would make sure he passed the class and could get as much time on as many assignments as he needed, etc. He didn't come for the rest of the semester -- I mean, he was so messed up even getting dressed and feeding himself was difficult, much less carrying books to school! -- but he did submit his essays and passed.
  • @tristanneal9552
    “Worst” in the sense that most of these qualify less as excuses and more as legitimate reasons.
  • My biology professor said that one student used the “my grandma/grandpa died and I had to attend their funeral” excuse to get out of doing assignments on time. The only problem is that they used that excuse five times.
  • The teachers' excuses: "I have a life." The students' excuses: "I have a life." See? We aren't so different after all.
  • @yaoi6248
    I love how most of the teachers took “worse” as actually unfortunate excuses rather than “dumbest” by meaning
  • @rosyreverie
    My best friend in medical school had her baby 4 days before our respiratory midterm and still took the exam. She told me she was studying while in active labor. She’s the strongest person I know and I have mad respect for her. She also has a 2 year old at home.
  • @andrewjconners
    how about "students share the worst excuses as to why their stuff hasn't been graded yet"
  • @jtv612
    The hurricane excuse was legit though 😂 poor student
  • A student once said to my dad (a history professor) that his plagiarism wasn't his fault because his mom wrote the paper for him.
  • @scooterbum4288
    I called in, (to work, not school) told my super I had been abducted from my bedroom by aliens and was up all night making crop circles and forcibly mating with their women. I told him I was very tired and needed some quality, me time. You may think I would be fired but for more than four years, I was never late, never sick, always pulled extra hours when needed. He said "I hope we see you on Monday, get some rest." Never miss the opportunity to make an impression. He's probably still telling that story.
  • I had one student who missed half the semester. When I asked her why she told me she forgot to set her alarm.
  • @digbyfire5446
    "His son murdered his wife's lover" Emergency Meeting
  • @Piper_____
    I literally slept through my last day of finals in 9th grade. Slept through all of my alarms, and woke up at 10:30 (it was a half-day, so that was an hour before school ended). I panicked, and got to school as fast as I could. Thankfully, I’d established myself as an honest student, and I was able to take all of the finals. Didn’t do well on them, but that’s a different issue. Also once just straight-up missed that a midterm exam existed in a class in college because it was online and I didn’t notice for a week. When I finally did notice it (at 11pm a week later or something) I emailed my professor saying “uhhh this was totally my fault, but it wasn’t intentional.” He asked if I could have the test done by the next night, if that would be enough time to study. I responded that actually, I’d just done it in a panic as soon as I saw it existed. Somehow, I got a 17/20!
  • I had a professor that demanded a good excuse from me so I was honest with him. I told him I have severe anxiety and haven't developed good management strategies for it... he gave me an extension. Nice guy.