Glenn Danzig talks about Jesus Christ and Hitler with Eric Blair 09

This interview was done last night @ MUSINK | Tattoo Convention and Music Festival
Eric Blair talks to Glen Danzig

コメント (21)
  • I love how Glenn is such a badass yet says "peed" instead of "pissed".
  • Eric: "You've never been married have you Glenn?" Danzig: "No, I'm not an idiot" Lol
  • @mpkrprsnt
    ''what would you like to be remembered for after you're gone?'' Glenn : ' i don't care'' the definition of a LEGEND!
  • it's crazy how much he says he hates everyone... the one time I met him he was one of the coolest (and nicest) guys I ever met!!
  • My brother John seen him in concert in Indy, and said this guy a row in front of him was pushing this little guy down and punking on him and Glenn called him out on stage and the dude flipped Glenn off as the band was breaking into the song "she rides" the lights went out and Glenn jumped off the stage and beat that dude down flipping him off and ran back up on the stage as the band was still playing the intro Glenn made it back up on the stage never missing a beat and started singing she rides! Man, i don't care what people think about him, i have respected Glenn ever since my brother told me that story back in the early 90's! That had to be so awesome to witness! RESPECT! \m/!
  • @anahowana
    Am I the only one who thinks that guys like Peter Steele and Glenn Danzig turn into werewolves when the moon if full ?
  • "How would you like people to remember after your gone?" "I don't care" XD I love Glenn. Fucking legend.
  • What makes Glen awesome? He buys into nothing popular, he thinks for himself, he has the drive behind his creativity and he makes it marketable, so people can find it. He is the engine of what REAL alternative media is all about. He's rich, famous, and earned it all.
  • I have to admit...Danizg's a lot nicer and more personable now in interviews than he was back in the 80's and 90's. Despite what people say or think about him, I've got a ton of respect for him and I still listen to his music. 
  • "I'm not doing a reunion with him, it's not happening."
  • @rockfan1
    "You've never been married, Glen. No, I'm not an idiot." Classic. This guy tells it like it is on this topic and others. Only when you control your career can you do this.
  • Danzig embodies the true and pure meaning of Freedom and Individualism that America has always pretended to stand for. He may hate everyone, he may say things that sound "asshole-ish", but he is HONEST and TRUE TO HIMSELF, something only about 10% of the population on earth can say they are. I don't agree with his entire attitude, but I admire his attitude. He's Brave and the founder of THE MISFITS!
  • “I’m not doing a reunion with him...ever” I just saw you, Jerry and Doyle in concert on May 19th 😁 never say never!
  • He's actually standing on a chair for this interview.
  • @arfolc
    Corporate crap that was shoved down everyone's throat. Yeah, it's still shoved down everyone's throat. It's awful. 
  • @mandk6089
    "I'm not doing a reunion with him... it's not happening" YES IT IS!!!!!!!!!!
  • This guy is cool. He created many unique musical projects. The guy is an artist. He's awesome in my opinion.