FIGHT Stress, Anxiety & Depression by Crocheting and Knitting ⭐ | Stitching for Better Mental Health

Published 2022-09-17
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Did you know that crocheting, knitting & mental health are deeply intertwined? Scientific research has proven what crocheters and knitters have known for centuries. Crocheting and knitting improve ones mental health in a remarkable way.

Stitchlinks Website:

Institute for Therapeutic Craft and Creativity:…

Stitch Away Stress:

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My Favorite Places to Buy Yarn:…
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Furls -

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All Comments (21)
  • Hi everyone! There seems to be a technical issue with the Better Help link but I will keep checking and let you all know when it's working. :0)
  • After my Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 rectal cancer, she was in the hospital for a little over a week after surgery to remove the tumor. In the hospital I crocheted her a "waterfall" blanket, which is what we ended up calling it, but it was made from scraps of bulky, super fuzzy, yarn in all sorts of deep blues. I had no idea what kind of yarn I was using, because the scraps were traded at a yarn swap. I just kept stitching as she slept, and eventually it ended up being so heavy that I just draped it over her legs on the hospital bed and kept crocheting. The doctors were all pretty surprised every time they came in because the blanket ended up so huge. She used that blanket until the day she passed away in 2015, and it filled me with such comfort that I could provide anything at all for her during such a hard time.
  • @michellee623
    I had a brain injury in 2014. I was told by numerous doctors that I wouldn't have the capability to learn new things. I also have chronic pain. During the pandemic I learnt to crochet from YouTube videos (after reading that it could help with chronic pain and PTSD). Although it doesn't take any pain away, it did give me a purpose and a sense of accomplishment. I was spending my days flicking through different streaming apps and had no real reason to get out of bed everyday. Crocheting changed all of that. Not only has it helped fill my days, but it has also given my brain an amazing workout which helps me with problem solving, memory and decision making. I have regained purpose in my life and a happiness I thought I would never see again. I could not have achieved as much as I have, as quickly as I have, without all the great YouTube creators like yourself. Thank you 💞
  • I'm a school bus driver. 1st few weeks of school are always stressful, kids getting off at the wrong stops, getting on the wrong bus. My boss said "why are you always so upbeat?" I said my crochet is my therapy, fiber therapy. I never leave the house in the morning without crocheting for a few minutes.
  • I am a life long knitter. I do crochet, spin and weave some, but knitting is my life. I was diagnosed with AIDS just this year. I have several complications related to the disease that leave me in a state of chronic pain. I knit to help me not dwell on the discomfort. I have already finished all my Christmas knitting. I am glad you are promoting mental health. I have a counselor already, or I would be interested in your offer. I encourage anyone to try counseling, you will be surprised. Mental health is as important as physical health.
  • @jackiel2278
    Thank you for being open and vulnerable and for using your channel to promote a positive message of encouragement and care. It matters and is much appreciated.
  • I had tears in my eyes listening to you , I know what’s it is like to have no control of what happens in life . Crochet is my go to to calm my mind .
  • @MsIniquity
    Crocheting is my life. No matter what is going on in my life, in my mind I always think..”at least I can still crochet” even if the world is falling down around me.
  • @tamilopez6823
    I learned to knit about 30 years ago when we lost my brother-in-law suddenly. It was just 18 months after we welcomed our baby girl who has Down Syndrome. The following year, a dear friend of mine lost her little 5 month old baby with Down Syndrome. It was all too much for me to bear. Knitting has been my comfort in the hard places of life. We are currently going through a really hard time now with my middle son who suffers from mental illness. Each day is exhausting. I am trying to keep positive, lots of prayer and faith, a good support group. But yes, there is my old friend, Knitting". Something gentle to focus on. Thank you for your channel and this good encouragement. I hope it helps a lot of people. Take care!
  • During an extremely hard time in my life I was so sick from anxiety over family situations that are too lengthy to write out. I couldn’t sleep and was mentally and physically exhausted. I would get up during those long nights and get my Bible and read. Oh, the peace and comfort I found in God’s Word! Then I would crochet in the wee hours of the morning. It was like a medicine for me. I thank God that He has given us such things as a natural means for healing. Thank you for all of the hard work you put into your beautiful videos! I recently found your channel and am a new subscriber. ❤️
  • In 2017 I decided to go to college to obtain my BFA. I was 42, wife and a mother of 4 very young children. The pandemic hit. I was also taking care of my elderly mother. When I was at school or away from my mom she had caretakers that were suppose to look after her. One of them didn't show up and my mother ended up falling and was laying on the ground when the next shift caretaker arrive to take of her. Because of the fall my mom had to be hospitalized. She ended up at a physical rehab center where she contracted covid. Due to her age and poor health she couldn't fight it and passed away. I kept going to school in the midst of all this. I knew staying home could potentially spiral me into a depression. I started crocheting and knitted and actually had my thesis while in school compromise mostly of my crocheting and knitting. The process of creating the garments I designed saved me. It aided in soothing my mind and thoughts of feeling guilty of not being there when my mom fell. I went to school for fashion design and I'm seriously considering becoming a knitwear designer. I try and tell everyone I know how therapeutic it is. I love that I came across this video as it is one more affirmation that there are benefits to this skill set. Thank you for making this video. <3
  • Boy, Im convinced that the reason I am asked “Why are you always in a great mood when I see you?” is because I have crocheted and knit for decades. It is a lifesaver when you need some personal peace and/or a good distraction, it is a great wind down activity, it can give you something to look forward to….numerous ways to relax and “escape” from the daily challenges we all have. If you need a good human therapist, please find one, but this hobby can also make a healthy difference in your life. 🙋🏾‍♀️💕
  • Crochet has literally been the one thing to center me. I do see a psychiatrist and take medication, however the last two years have been especially hard with my divorce, buying a home and helping my boys adjust. Crochet is something I can pull out and FOCUS. It clears my mind and gives me a sense of control life does not allow. I take a bag EVERY WHERE I go in case 💜
  • My grandma taught me to crochet when I was around 7. During the pandemic, I crocheted pretty much every day. I literally have four bags full of stuff I crocheted! Shawls and ponchos, a few afghans, some other random really helped to just have something to do that I felt was keeping me productive. Fortunately I have several stores around me that stayed open that carried plenty of yarn. I ended up donating some shawls to a nursing home in my aunt Lola's name...she used to crochet and donate them all the time up until her passing. She was 92 and from Australia. I plan to teach my niece how to crochet, as well.
  • Crochet, knitting and watercolor painting is my life. Keeps me very happy and productive.
  • @bratsmom6749
    Hi Elise - and thank you for this video! I learned to knit and crochet years ago, but I didn't really get into it until fairly recently. My aunt taught me how to crochet when I was about 9 years old. I got frustrated because she gave me a project that was way beyond my skill level. I would get discouraged and put it away. She told me I should learn to do it even if I didn't want to because some day I would be glad I learned and it would be fun. She was SO correct! I crocheted off and on over the years, and it wasn't until I had a stressful job that I went back to crocheting (and knitting and pin loom weaving) that I realized how these crafts gave me a mental vacation of sorts. I developed arthritis in a few fingers, but it really isn't painful. At a routine doctor visit my doctor noticed what I was doing in the waiting room and told me to keep at it because it gave my fingers mobility AND it's good for mental health. I have noticed in stressful times that I can handle things better when I grab a crafting bag and get busy. I have developed some heart trouble, but I find that if I can give myself a few minutes of crocheting or knitting, the heart rate gradually slows down to where it should be. So happy there are non-medicinal things to help us!
  • I taught myself to crochet about 5 years ago, has been a life saver. A day without crocheting is more stressful, when I don't crochet regularly my mental health declines. Bright yarn makes me happy too ☺️fibre arts are very therapeutic!
  • @pattimoose1
    Knitting and crochet is my peaceful place. It calms my nerves, centers me and helps me pray.
  • @nancyg323
    I've been telling people this for years....crocgeting is my therapy!!! Awesome resources Elise!! Thank you.
  • @sarap6862
    Thank you for sharing your story of how crochet helped you. I myself have had a much simpler experience. My grandma thought my to crochet when I was young but I only made things every once in a while. It wasn’t till I was in my 30’s that I took it up again when we had some tragic events in our family. Then I didn’t take it up again until my late 40’s when I was diagnosed with a rare cancer. Now I crochet all the time. Helps with pain management and keeps my brain active. ❤