Shocking Truth About Cancer: Fix Your Diet & Lifestyle To Starve It For Longevity | Thomas Seyfried

Published 2023-09-20
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When I started medical school in 1995, we were taught that one in four people were likely to develop cancer in their lifetime. Today, that statistic has changed to one in two – a rapid rise that can’t be explained by genetics. But if our modern diet and lifestyles are the cause, we have more control than we might think.

That’s the message my guest, Professor Thomas Seyfried, has worked tirelessly to prove and communicate over his four decades as a cancer researcher. Professor Seyfried is a professor of biology, genetics and biochemistry at Boston College, Massachusetts, and author of more than 150 peer-reviewed publications, as well as the 2012 book Cancer As A Metabolic Disease.

Through his research, and in this conversation, he sets out to explain how it’s a malfunction in our mitochondria – the energy powerhouses in each of our cells – that’s at the root of every cancer he’s studied. Normal-functioning mitochondria, he explains, use oxygen to make energy. In cancer, this process is disrupted. Cancer cells cannot use oxygen, so they fall back on a primitive form of energy creation known as fermentation.

It follows then, explains Professor Seyfried, that if we can somehow stop this fermentation process, then cancer cells will die. Cancer uses glucose and glutamine to fuel fermentation. While we don’t want to block glutamine, as it has other uses in the body, we can drastically lower our glucose levels to stop driving cancer growth.

We discuss some of the ways in which we can start doing this – for example, using specific low-carb diets and nutritional ketosis. Professor Seyfried also talks us through his ground-breaking ‘metabolic therapy’ protocols for treating cancer – sometimes, alongside conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Professor Seyfried has spent decades researching and proving a metabolic cause for this devastating disease. This a compelling and optimistic conversation, packed with actions we can all take to reduce our risk not just of cancer, but all the chronic conditions driven by metabolic disruption.

CAUTION: This podcast discusses ketogenic diets and water-only fasting. Always consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before making any drastic changes to your diet or before going for prolonged periods without eating.

Connect with Prof Seyfried:

Prof Seyfried’s book:
Cancer as a metabolic disease: On the origin management and prevention of cancer

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All Comments (21)
  • @Gamvrelis
    Who needs wars when refined sugar kills us without a bang.
  • @msvergara
    My 80 years old brother was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma in the pancreas in April 2023. I am a not practitioner MD and when I saw this professor's explaining the metabolic approach of cancer, it made perfectly sense to me. I suggested my brother NOT to take radio nor chemotherapy and follow professor Seyfriedt instructions + turmeric + berberine. In August 2023 he took a new PET and the cancer was gone. His doctor couldn't believe the result of the control PET and ordered to review the biopsy from April believing there was a mistake in the biopsy report and that it has not been a Ca, but a pancreatitis. The review of the biopsy confirmed it was an adenocarcinoma. Many many thanks Dr. Seyfried 🙏
  • @user-dw9hv7be9m
    My 3.5 yo was diagnosed with aml Leukaemia. I nurtured his body through good nutrition and he not only made it but he got through chemo and stem cell transplant with really no side effects. I made the hospital cook to my recipes and we have a book coming out next year to share his story. The consultant didn’t believe we could do it and later apologised
  • @huydbui
    I need prayers. My sister was disgnosed with ovarian cancer. Please show me a way. I am very sad and lost. I am at 37 minute mark of this video and I think I saw some lights. Please pray for my sister and if you have time a knowledge, please sum up what you understand. I am going thru the video and there are lots of terms I need to look it up.
  • @LTPottenger
    In mouse studies, fasting greatly extends lifespan and the main mechanisms is preventing cancer! Some benefits of doing occasional extended fasting: High blood pressure is lowered to normal levels very quickly while fasting. Fibrosis/scarring is reversed over time, including in the heart and lungs. Vitamin D plasma levels are increased as fasting improves metabolic health, and vitamin D in turn increases autophagy. Fasting stimulates phagocytosis, the ingestion of bacteria, plaques and viruses by the immune system. It will also remove any 'foreign material' like spikes that are not supposed to be there. Whether natural or unnatural in origin.. Blood sugar and insulin are lowered when fasting, allowing white blood cells to move more freely throughout the body and do their job. Fasting increases nitric oxide release. Fasting restores NAD+ to healthy levels. Blood clotting is reduced and blood clots and arterial plaque are reabsorbed into the body. Fasts from 36-96 h increase metabolic rate due to norepinephrine release! Telomeres are lengthened and fasting also increases anti-aging Yamanaka factors. After 72 hours or more fasted, your body recycles up to 1/3 of all immune bodies, rejuvenating your entire immune system. This helps prevent the onset of new autoimmune conditions, which develop through a leaky gut and damaged immune system. Fasting can help with MS, Depression, BPD, Autism and seizures. Thymus is regenerated, which suppresses aging and renews the immune system. The thymus also plays a vital role in fighting cancer. Weight loss from daily caloric restriction has 1/4 to 1/3 of the weight lost as lean tissue while many studies show fat loss from 36 h fasts without losing any lean tissue! The obese will lose extra tissue like loose skin while fasting, but the skinny or frail will have increased growth hormone release than the obese, which helps to make more lean tissue and reduce frailness. When you move out of MTOR your body shuts down the building blocks of the cell required for viruses to replicate. The hunger hormone ghrelin also lowers with extended fasting and rises from dieting. What breaks a fast? Anything with protein or carbohydrates in it will break a fast. Most teas and herbs are OK. Most supplements and meds will either break ketosis directly or contain a filler that will. Many meds are dangerous to take while fasting. Does fasting lower testosterone? No, it raises it when the fast is broken by increasing lutenizing hormone. Fasting also increases insulin sensitivity, which helps with muscle building. Fasts of 36-96 will not affect short term female fertility or affect menstrual cycle. They also may increase long term fertility, especially in women with PCOS. Fasting reduces pain and anxiety by stimulating the endocannabinoid system in a similar way to CBD oil. One day of fasting can cut your leptin levels in half and gets your immune system working properly again! This reduces leptin resistance, which impairs immune function. Stomach acid is reduced over time while fasting and can allow for the healing of treatment resistant ulcers. Some patients may need continued acid reduction medication while fasting. Does the body preferentially prefer glucose as a fuel? No. Except for brief periods of very intense exercise, your body mainly burns fats in the form of free fatty acids. Your brain also prefers to burn ketones at a rate of around 2.5 to 1 when they are available in equal quantity to glucose. Fasting stimulates the AMPK complex and activates autophagy. Autophagy (literally self eating) will cause cells to recycle foreign matter such as viruses and kill cancerous and senescent cells Lowering insulin via fasting virtually eliminates chronic inflammation in the body. It increases mitochondrial function and repairs mitichondrial DNA, leading to improved ATP production and oxygen efficiency. Increased mitochondrial function also has the added benefit of increasing your metabolism, fighting infection and cancer prevention! Fasting releases BDNF and NGF in the blood which stimulates new nerve and brain cell growth. This can help a great deal with diseases like MS, peripheral neuropathy and Alzheimers. When not in ketosis, the brain can only burn carbohydrate, which produces a great deal of damaging ROS the brain has to deal with. When you fast, this stimulates apoptosis in senescent or genetically damaged cells, destroying them. Senescent cells are responsible for many of the effects of aging and are a root cause of the development of cancer. A fasting mimicking diet for 3-5 days in a row also provides many of the same benefits as water fasting. FMD usually has 200-800 calories, under 18 g of protein and extremely low carbs. Exogenous ketones can aid with fasting, making it easier in healthy people and allowing some people with specific issues to fast in spite of them without worrying as much about hypoglycemia. They also help with dementia and many other issues even if you take them while not fasting! Glycine and trimethylglycine can also be useful supplements while fasting that won't break ketosis and have many benefits. Children, pregnant or nursing women should not fast for periods longer than 16 hours. People with pancreatic tumors or certain forms of hypoglycemia generally cannot fast at all. Type 1 diabetics can also fast but it is more complicated and should be approached with caution as it could lead to ketoacidosis. If you experience extreme symptoms of some kind, especially dizziness or tremors, then simply break the fast and seek advice. Resources: This list compiled over years of research by the user known as Pottenger's Human on youtube. Feel free to copy and paste this anywhere you like, no accreditation needed! My community tab will always contain an updated version of this list of fasting benefits. I also have playlists on fasting and health topics.
  • @marthab7059
    If I win the powerball, I’m sending this doc millions for his research. Shameful that no institution will fund his research because it won’t make them money. Good health does not support our medical system!!
  • @atomic_poppy
    I don’t like the taste of meat. But I eat fish and lots of vegetables, yogurt, olive oil, eggs, nuts and seeds. No sugar or processed junk.
  • I had a tumour in my abdomen and asked the sarcoma doctor if diet could have caused it and he laughed at us - that’s the problem the medical profession are not open-minded enough. Thank you both for broadcasting this!
  • @southerngirl773
    Great conversation! I love Dr Seyfried! I have lost 3 sister’s to cancer. They all died in their 60’s. Chemo therapy and radiation did not save them. High sugar/carbohydrate, processed food is the kiss of death!!
  • Thank you both- I was diagnosed with cancer-stage 4 in May 2020- it was terrible going through chemotherapy but I thank God, I am fine now. Since then I care about my diet and exercise- Greetings from Rwanda
  • @alicemoore6623
    I’m terrified of Alzheimer’s. I’ve been on a keto diet for 3 years now. I live by the words, “sugar is poison.”
  • @Lizzymint
    I had to research as much as I possibly could over 2 years with regards to bowel cancer as my ex husband was diagnosed with it, I learned that sugar feeds cancer which surprised me but once you understand how cancer survives it's quite fascinating, hence the diagnosis I moved in for 2 years and cared for him and changed his diet completely feeding him mostly alkaline foods , he had treatment as he was stage 3 and he's now in remission. This video is absolutely amazing and I thank everyone involved
  • @pjdelucala
    My friend's wife was diagnosed with cancer. Her doctors gave her 3 months to live. My friend went to Tijuana to buy laetrile. She also changed her diet. Ten years later she was alive and well.
  • @donniegrande9186
    Diet and Exercise will help! My Pops and Grandma lasted 98 and 97 yrs old! died old age they said watch what you eat, walk, and less stress!
  • @mariaboyd7380
    Prayer and fasting can kill cancer cells. Being happy and feeling loved are one of the best therapies..
  • @MacksCurley
    The medical industry are looking for cures, I think we should be teaching prevention as a pre treatment.
  • @my-4th-cancer
    I am currently fighting my fourth cancer with alternative, metabolic treatment as the base of my protocol. Currently 15 weeks in and document the journey. In 3 weeks my first PET scan since starting the protocol. Judgement day. I am following the work of Prof. Seyfried, he is one of the few. Thank you for bringing this video.
  • @saraf9081
    When a doctor is seeking out advice and expertise from another doctor you can rest assured he gets the best of the best. Thanks for this informative video. I wish eberyone watching the show good health
  • I walked through a cancer ward recently and they were giving patients ice cream!…. We need videos like this because the medical profession isn’t interested in learning, not when it affects profits. Maybe word will spread over the next 100yrs to where people are willing to educate themselves with an open mind, and the ignorant doctors can’t keep the importance of nutrition hidden anymore. Sadly many of us will die until then.