Top 10 Alien Invasion Movies of All Time | HD1080


コメント (21)
  • I remember watching the day the earth stood still when I was 8 with my dad at the movie theater! Still very underrated movie
  • @Jettguzman
    1.Skyline, 2010 Saw this and was hooked into watched the sequels!!! 2.Arrival, 2016 (1:28) Love this and have watched it multiple times!!! 3.District 9, 2009 (3:14) 4.The 5th Wave, 2016 (5:16) 5.They Live, 1988 (6:48) 6.Mars Attacks, 1996 (8:37) Funny and entertaining !!! 7.The Day the Earth Stood Still, 2008 (10:20) 8.Battle Los Angeles, 2011 (11:46) 9.War of the Worlds, 2005 (13:53) Love this and have watched it multiple times!!! 10.Independence Day, 1996 (16:18) This one and the 2016 Independence Day:Resurgence are Excellent !!!
  • @DoktrDub
    alien octopus sticks to glass when you go up to the window “Nope… nuke it, I’m out”
  • James Cameron “The Abyss” is really good. A lot of movies nowadays demonize aliens… who’s to say we can’t foster a friendly relationship? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • Battle Los Angeles and the tomorrow war are probably the 2 most action inclined
  • @sjoe6282
    The arrival is one of the most brilliant Sci fi movies ever to be filmed so far. It shows the real difference between a really advanced civilization and one that simply grasps physics. Their language is a reflection of how they think in a non linear way in literally all aspects of existence and simultaneously the most powerful weapon they have since it evolved their thinking as they where evolving it. The movie moves beyond a simple they tried to invade but we killed them with our spitstraws mentality and creates a fantastic mirror for us to consider how primitive we still are in the evolutionary scale. For me it should be in the top 3.
  • @obama7792
    its always funny to me how in alien invasion movies they are always depicted as this advance high tech civilization that is somehow able to reach out planet and travel great distances with their deep knowledge of the universe, but when they got out of their ship its always lizard looking creature who behave barbaric like they are wild animals with zero cognitive thought lmaoo
  • @Klevermoregames
    Battle Los Angeles is my all time favorite alien invasion movie. ID4 is a CLOSE 2nd
  • They Live, Mars Attacks, and War of the Worlds are my favorite alien invasion novies!
  • Independence Day will always be the best Alien invasion movie to ever exist. It definitely deserves to be #1.
  • @aareview8258
    Independance Day was my childhood. Best alien invasion movie in my book.
  • @alitajalli313
    You forgot 4 movies: 1. Battle Ship 2. Edge of Tommarow 3. The Signs 4. The War of Tommarow
  • District 9 that wasn’t even a military ship. Imagaine what they will look lik