The Truth About Vitamin D & Warning Signs Your Body Is Deficient | Dr. Mark Hyman

Published 2023-12-15
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In the US alone, 70% of Americans have either deficient or suboptimal levels of vitamin D. This is a massive problem given vitamin D's impact on our health and its effects on our gene regulation and expression. Vitamin D also regulates calcium and supports the functioning of the immune system, making it one of the most important biological compounds in the body.

In today’s episode of a new series I’m calling Know Your Numbers, I dive deep into vitamin D. I discuss why vitamin D deficiency is a problem, how conventional medicine misses the mark in measuring vitamin D levels, how Functional Medicine treats vitamin D deficiency, and much more.

You can test your vitamin D levels with ‪@functionhealth‬, a company I co-founded. It has been a lifelong dream for me. Function is the first-ever membership that includes 100+ lab tests and personalized insights from globally renowned doctors based on your results. Join Function at

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Here are more details from the episode (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):
Why vitamin D deficiency is a problem (5:49 / 3:31)
What is vitamin D and what does it do in the body? (6:24 / 4:06)
“Normal” vs. optimal vitamin D references ranges (9:03 / 6:45)
How much vitamin D should you take? (15:06 / 12:48)
Root causes of low levels of vitamin D (17:23 / 15:05)
Testing your vitamin D with the 25-hydroxy vitamin D3 test (26:04 / 23:46)
Symptoms of and diseases associated with vitamin D deficiency (26:27 / 24:09)
Addressing vitamin D deficiency with diet, lifestyle and supplementation (42:53 / 40:35)

References for research mentioned in this episode can be found here:

All Comments (21)
  • We need more capability to test ourselves at home. I hate going to the doctor. I sit in the waiting room for over an hour, then sit in a little cold room for another 25 minutes. The doctor comes in and sees me for under 10 minutes, says, “Hello, how are you?” and ignores my answer, tells me I seem to be doing fine for my age, 80, and writes me an order for a blood and urine test. (Why don’t they have me do those before the appointment, so we might have something to talk about?) My knees hurt. He gives me a prescription for 600mg Ibprophen 3 times a day. No checking about why they hurt. Then says I’ll get my test results in the mail, and I should call if I have any questions. How would I know what to ask. We are done in 9 minutes, and he has hurried out of the room. My test results come to me and what’s tested for is minimal. Vitamin D? No. Total cholesterol only. A recommendation for statins based on the one number. YouTube docs need to know what the real world is like. They say go to another doctor. This is my third one. All alike.
  • @denisejustis92
    Since taking 5000 units daily living in Pacific Northwest Winters I have no more seasonal affectiveness disorder or osteoporosis
  • I went from 22 to 65 in a year.. I take 10,000 IUs before bed.. it’s really helping my autoimmune conditions
  • @breathnstop
    Everyone was surprized by the low levels of covid deaths in Africa. I think we might know why now.
  • Went to an orthopedic surgeon and PT for years for ddd and chronic pain from the ddd. Never once mentioned vitamin D. Started getting a little sunshine, supplementing D, and saw a chiropractor. Almost 2 years pain free.
  • My vit d is chronically low. 17-23-27-20 the past 2 years...yet the doc doesn't seem worried about it...the more I learn the more I worry about it...
  • @faithlilis
    My relative told me a woman not so elderly got really sick, and part of her treatment was to get her almost naked with the morning sun, straight for weeks, that healed her back to normallity. Now with this video IT ALL MAKES SENSE!!! WOW THANKS DOC TYSM for keeping us posted
  • @imamymay
    What's your opinion on Eric Berg. He seems to give a lot of the same advice as you...but gets labelled a quack. All I know is... I've used advice from you and from him and my health has improved.
  • @morgotha42
    I've been going through your videos and fining out just how serious of a situation I was in. I had blood work done to deal with stuff going on with me and my vit D was 10.5!! thats it! Now its 29.7 so its getting better but I am continuing to work on it. the problem comes from the fact I am a Hermit. I barely leave the house. I only go out when I have to. so thats why it got so bad!
  • @justdawndb
    Nailed it optimal vs "normal" i think lifeguards are probably very happy...thank you for this very valuable information! You are great a covering alot of info in a short time 👏👏👏
  • Thank you for helping me further understand something I only recently learned. I had no idea that my severe depression every Christmas was due to a lack of Vitamin D! I feel SO fortunate to have heard this! Why in the world us this kind of information so hard to come by?? It is a real shame truly. 😢
  • @myramccall7797
    Thank you so much for all the information you share!😊💛
  • @flycorvus
    Hi, Mark! You should make a podcast video with Dr. Stasha Gominak. She is a sleep coach neurologist, loves vitD too. I'd love to hear that conversation. Take care! :-)
  • Wealth of knowledge 🙏 May God bless you and may you live a long life to be able to educate us 🙏 humanity is gracefully grateful to you🙏♥️🙏
  • Key points: 00:03 🌞 Vitamin D deficiency affects over a billion people worldwide, with 70% of Americans having insufficient or deficient levels, increasing risks of various health issues. 01:39 🦠 Vitamin D regulates calcium, supports immune function, and significantly impacts the risk of infections like COVID-19, playing a vital role in preventing serious complications. 03:19 💉 Testing for vitamin D is crucial, yet often missed by conventional medicine. Optimal levels differ from normal ranges, with 45-75 nanograms per deciliter considered ideal, not the common 30 or lower. 06:35 💰 The cost of untreated diseases due to vitamin D deficiency can be significant, outweighing expenses related to testing and supplementation. 11:50 🏙 Lack of sunlight, sunscreen use, urban living, certain medications, obesity, aging, gut issues, and poor diet significantly impact vitamin D levels, contributing to deficiencies in modern lifestyles. 20:42 🦠 Low vitamin D can lead to inflammation and weaken the immune system, causing frequent sickness. 21:24 💪 Adequate vitamin D levels reduce flu risk by 75% and can alleviate bone/joint pain, mood issues, and fatigue. 22:31 🩺 Low vitamin D is associated with cancer risk due to its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties. 28:43 🦠 Severe COVID risks are higher in those with low vitamin D levels; supplementation may reduce complications and hospitalizations. 30:18 🧠 Vitamin D influences mood, link to depression, anxiety, and cognitive disorders; optimal levels crucial for overall brain health. (Generated with
  • Hi Dr. This is a fantastic video! It’s really helpful. I have a low thyroid and Hashimotos, and dealing with symptoms. Working on getting lab levels up 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Thank you for the good info you put out. Happy New Year!
  • @earthmamma85
    I just had mine tested a month ago. I am always outside… mine was 32. My doctor said it was fine. I’m taking supplements now.
  • @margaretgalo
    Really eye opener.thankyou somuch of the informs dr. God bless you . Listening from solomon islands