Accomplishing the Impossible: Unexpected life lessons from living with Paralysis

Published 2024-01-10

All Comments (21)
  • @peggyjohns7893
    I donā€™t know you. You are a complete stranger to me. I have tears in my eyes, Iā€™m so happy for you. I know none of this came to you without immense hard work and painful things. I think I mentioned another time, I lost my son to suicide. He had a handicap of sorts, and wasnā€™t able to get good help, and succumbed to it. So, Iā€™m so happy for you.
  • @Jaggededge112
    Hearing you talking about your happiness it really makes me happy for you! I am very happy that you have such great things happening for you.
  • @dwads77
    Love it! 47yr old and 1.5 years into my injury. I love seeing positive examples of what life is all about. Being grateful and showing that gratitude to those around you is hugely important. I've watched a bunch of your vids and appreciate your honesty. Keep rollin...
  • @yourfuturebright
    14:10 legend šŸ˜‚your overall outlook in life is truly remarkable that enhances your kind, energetic and passionate self every single day to inspire others like myself & I am really happy to see how far it's truly come! thank you for making the videos as always mat
  • @arsolblanes5058
    I am very happy for you, you deserve to be happy, sharing that happiness is very gratifying for those of us who have seen you fight and now you raise our endorphins šŸ˜œšŸ˜ŽšŸ‘Œ Thank you āœŒšŸ» a hug Peace
  • @ParalyzedLiving
    Awesome video bud! Itā€™s a strange yet wonderful feeling to reflect on my own anniversary and I can certainly relate with every word. Iā€™m glad to see you thriving as always! And why wouldnā€™t you? In the end, the good trumps the bad as long as you choose to focus on positive thoughts. ā¤
  • @Kenzie_McIntyre
    i cannot believe 5 yrs have gone by already ...i have warched you change soooo much . ā¤
  • You have achieved so much in 5 years and you deserve to be proud of it all. It warms my heart that you have found love again, your girlfriend has a beautiful smile and it's clear you make each other very happy ā˜ŗ. I love your pod with Benji too, you guys have the best conversations and can talk about anything and it's a good listen. I hope you continue to pod together šŸ¤ž. Happy new year!
  • @westiepower2020
    Iā€™m very happy that you have found love. Love is the best thing; Iā€™m the able-bodied half of an Interabled Couple. Deb and I have been married for 43 years. We are as much in love now as we were 43 years ago. And I enjoy your conversations with Brittney as I have watched all 160+ of her Empowered Para videos. Rock on man!
  • Awesome video! T4/5 complete coming up on my 2 year anniversary next week. I can relate to so much of what you said. My journey, however, has been a giant roller coaster of two steps forward and then one to three steps back. Seems like when I get going on a roll some new aspect of my injury sets me back. I do keep positive, though, and would say that I am happy. Thanks for always sharing, yours is definitely one of the channels that I watch religiously and has helped me greatly in many ways. Also, just started listening to the podcast this week and I love it!! Amazing work, please keep it up!!
  • This is such a wonderful video Fred. I remember hearing about your accident and it really is incredibly inspiring to see how you have embraced this new phase of your life and how you continue to live it to the max.
  • @silkedavid8876
    Great video! So happy for you and Christina. Your employers are great, and I am sure they learned a lot by having you on their staff which was beneficial to them in many ways. What about doing a podcast where we can chat about being an expat, you an Englishman in France, I am a German in small town England.
  • @BudgetingBeezy
    Time is so powerful in healing both physically and mentally and your video is a testament to that. Love makes life beautiful, whether familial or romantic. Thanks for sharing your story marking the 5 year mark.
  • @nickbullows6842
    You inspire me, your energy for life is so great, please keep doing the videosā¤
  • Wonderful video as always! Thank you for sharing your truths and smile. I learn from your messages and look forward to the next. Keep on keepinā€™ on.
  • @tallitosan
    Yeah I know, i'm late to comment this video... Anyway, I really want to tell you thanks, for your all your vids, I'm not watched every single one of them, but I tell you what, you give me a hope, I have nearly 20 years in a wheelchair, and sometimes I need some kind of coaching of how to do some mundane stuff lol. And as you said, the life is a rollercoaster, sometimes you are up, but another times you are down. Just keep it up with the life, btw, the podcast rules, and the YT channel too ;D Cheers mate