The Life of Brian - a story of hope and possibility

Published 2023-09-17
Whether you're facing challenges of your own or seeking inspiration, this podcast promises to leave you with a renewed sense of hope and possibility. Freddo chats with Brian Kinney, the face behind the Paralyzed Living YouTube channel.

Brian shares his remarkable journey from the moment he faced a life-altering spinal cord injury that left him paralysed from the nipples down to his incredible transformation into a source of hope and empowerment.

In this candid conversation, Brian discusses the emotional rollercoaster of receiving a paralysing diagnosis and being told he'd never walk again. He opens up about the depths of depression he experienced and the challenging path toward rediscovering hope and purpose in life.

Discover how Brian defied the odds and started a family, despite the unique challenges he faced. Learn about his unconventional but empowering approach to raising funds for IVF treatment by selling nude photos of himself, a decision that not only provided financial support but also a newfound sense of confidence and agency.

Throughout our conversation, we explore the powerful connection between Brian's YouTube channel and the way it helped others, like me, navigate the early stages of paralysis.

Together, we reflect on the shared experiences, resilience, and determination that unite us on our journeys toward personal growth and fulfilment.

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode as we delve into the depths of adversity, the heights of empowerment, and the unwavering strength of the human spirit.

Check my Podcast 😁 Apes on Tape - link here:

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#wheelchair #spinalcordinjury #paraplegic

All Comments (21)
  • @erinmelfe9489
    First, I want to admit that I am possibly the #1 fan of Brian. Well, because he’s my little brother and I could not be more proud and honored to be his sister. That’s not the reason I’m commenting. The real reason is because both of you just worked so beautifully together on this episode. The vulnerability and willingness to be authentic and even make me laugh is just truly endearing. Perhaps you guys get to do more stuff together. You both are the true meaning of making the most out of a crappy situation. The fact that you both use your injuries to help others and prove what’s possible as long as you choose a positive perspective and don’t give up I feel gives real hope to others. Brian hates when I call him an inspiration but to me, he will always be just that. Thanks for making this interview happen. Keep up your incredible work of making a real difference for people! I wish you so many blessings! ❤
  • @skn31
    Brian's first video called "Paraplegic Motorcyle Rider's View" was the first "English speaking videos" I have ever watched - although he does not speak in this one :) ... I did show it to a fellow wheeler buddy, who got very jealous, because in Germany wheelchair-users are "not allowed to drive adapted motorbikes" (Quads or Trikes are the only option), and it was so awesome to see, it can actually work ! Back then Bruce Cook was still able-bodied and I had never heard of Nitro Circus ... And Brian was able to help a few of my quadriplegic friends by suggesting the abdominal binder for example ! As a "Spaz" (CP) I had no idea, how good this works for them, to keep the blood pressure from dropping. Just two days ago, I told someone to go watch his video on this topic, and the lady I gave this advice to is a quadriplegic for almost 40 years now. I did not expect, that she had never heard of "this item" as something quite usefull. So, although I have left some comments to Brian's videos over the past 12 years: "THANKS AGAIN, Brian !", your channel is a great source ! But Fred, your channel is awesome, too ! And I especially love your podcast and now your idea to have guest to talk to here on your channel as well. Thanks for all your input, too - and all the best and lots of Love !
  • @arsolblanes5058
    Hello Brian, Fred thank you for this conversation 16 years ago I was injured C5-C6, Quadriplegic, I use an active wheelchair, Brian helped me a lot, as did Richard, Shane, Brittany, Tanelle...Peace ☮️💯❤
  • @Jaggededge112
    Oh I watch his videos as well ❤. This is the crossover episode I’ve been waiting for since you and Brittney did those videos together.
  • @brian-xf2cf
    i been paraplegic since 1985 i think its great what you`re doing you are helpimg lot,s of people. I kmow you already know that but if you love cook do a you tube cooking channel. thank you for what you are doing i will paas it on you st
  • @Kenzie_McIntyre
    I am a nurse and work on the spinal injury unit and have been getting my pts to watch these and listen to Freddo s podcast. As most of my pts are young men / boys this is going to be really important for them to see . A lot of our pts co.e back and see us a year or 2 down the track and its amazing how much they remember . i just know that sex is one of their major concerns but they do not say a thing
  • @TimBelchamber
    Jumping across from your comment on my video! This is a really good podcast. You guys smashed audio quality for a remote call. The only improvement id want to make for this vid (with the footage as is) is framing the subjects better in post. Cameras aren't level and I'd punch in a little. Not the end of the world, but just what I'd have done. Biggest improvement you can make for next video is lighting. Either curtains drawn and light the room or spin the desk round so the window is lighting you rather than blowing out your background. Controlled lighting is the one if you can do it. If you are keen id want go to a tighter focal length on you. This may involve moving the desk away from the wall a little so you can put the camera further back. This will help reduce the fish eye warp on your face. Deffo keep at it! Lots of potential here!
  • Great chat fellas. I'm creeping up on 25 years since my SCI. Those stats on children are crazy.. Mine (twins) just turned 17 and let me tell ya.. 17 years flew by! Embrace every moment. Fellas, don't let the chair hold you back from travelling the world! I've been all over the US, skipped over to Japan a couple times, Cuba, Brazil.. So many beautiful places and people to see and meet. Oh and retirement.. lol I've been with the same company for 22 years which I am very grateful for.. but I will have no issues what's so ever retiring from my day job! 😁Keep rollin' fellas!
  • @silkedavid8876
    Great interview! I found it really funny that Brian thinks Freddo sounds sophisticated. If you know British English, you know he speaks quite, hm, what word to use, not slang, maybe I can use the word "accented".
  • @Joy-ho8wu
    Great chat and thank you for your honesty. Living in this day and age where we can learn from video resources is definitely a blessing.
  • @tchrisev
    Thank you for letting us know about contacting you guys. I mentor at my hospital for newly made paraplegics. I try to let them know the situation and things I had wished I’d known.
  • @beckyearlene7282
    I was in a wheelchair all 2022 from a wreck with broken legs. I love your honesty. I am forever altered. I can walk with walker and am grateful. I know thou one day ill be back in the chair. In Christ sending love and prayers
  • @EmpoweredPara
    I have a syrinx too! Found it about a year after my injury. Have had 2 surgeries to prevent the syrinx affecting my hands.
  • @Kenzie_McIntyre
    This video gives me nervous thoughts about my husband who rides a motorcycle but he is a nurse like me and has seen so many young people struck down with terminal illness he says he wants to do what hoves and take the risk ... gosh is was awful how you found out the extent of your injury 😢
  • @katewebber1131
    His Helmet saved him. But how callous was that Dr . I had the same years ago.
  • Thanks guys! I remember he had a lot of issues with uti has he resolved them? If so how? Anyone got any uti prevention tips
  • @BudgetingBeezy
    Thanks for getting together. His videos were some of the first ones I found and watched after my son was paralyzed and provided so much hope and showed so many possibilities. Enjoy both of your channels 🎉 thanks for sharing your life!