Is Donna Lupardo mentally fit to serve NY's 123rd? 1/20/2020

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What's wrong with Donna's brain? Does she have impaired cognition? ★ It seems to me that the best case is that Donna has Dementia. Let's get her some help and some rest, away from her duties as a legislator..... ★ The worst case is she's working Public Relations for Industrial Actors who want to POISON Endicott. ★ Or maybe she's simply confused? ★ If it's ignorance, while that's bad (she should be informed on these things), but at least it's curable with KNOWLEDGE ★★ BOTTOM LINE: A Hazardous Waste Incinerator is not "manufacturing", Donna. It might be considered "mining". It might be "metals refining". ★ But running a toxic SMELTER is not "manufacturing". Please. ★ "Crash-n-Bash" is not "manufacturing" ★ Hazardous Waste Disposal is not "Manufacturing" ★ It's the opposite. ★ Suggestion to Donna from Bill Huston: Please stop kidding around. Please stop Spouting BS, & speak the TRUTH. Get yer head straight, then DO SOMETHING to ACTUALLY HELP and PROTECT YOUR CONSTITUENTS!!

コメント (2)
  • So I made a couple of errors. (as usual). First I'm sorry about the clicky audio. And for the fuzzy chroma-key in spots. It really takes an enormous effort to get all of the tech stuff right, and the content good. Next, at around @4:45 Instead of saying "regulate them", I should have said "write the laws regulating these facilities." Also, I say "legislature" and I meant "legislator".