Riding the wave with an RC car

Published 2024-06-03
Metaphorically speaking...this obviously isn't a wave made out of water, it's a giant gravel hill. For scale sake, the rc car (a Traxxas Rustler 4x4) is 1.5 feet long, I estimate the peak to be about 20ish feet high and total length (width of the base) to be maybe 50-60 feet. May be hard to tell in the video but the base wraps around and forms a sort of bowl, estimated length is if the ends were 'unwrapped". This was more fun than words can describe, you can get these RC cars to do incredibe things. I will definitely add this place to my list of areas to run.

Velineon 3500 system with a 2s Lipo. I know this video is terrible, I had no other way to capture this unfortunately other than proping my phone up on an adjacent hill. Was just too much fun to not share! I'm definitely gonna get a GoPro eventually so I can capture quality POV videos.

Pardon my awkward cameo.

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