De midlifecrisis is echt (maar lang niet iedereen heeft ‘m)

Published 2024-06-12
You may be familiar with the cliché of a midlife crisis: a fiftysomething in a Ferrari with a young man, or someone who leaves everything behind and travels the world in a camper. Does such a midlife crisis really exist, or can people just imagine it? In this video, Marianne Simons (Open University) explains everything about it. It all starts with the looming question: is this it...?

An American study investigated how happy people are. What seems? People feel less happy between the ages of forty and sixty, says life psychologist Marianne Simons of the Open University. Such feelings arise when people ask themselves the question: “Is this it?” But not everyone suffers from this. How exactly does such a midlife crisis arise? How can you avoid getting into such a slump, and how do you get out of it again? Marianne explains it all to you in this video!

All Comments (5)
  • @haczabim
    You forgot to include the 40 year old woman who's just divorced, took the car, the house and the dog, and decided it's time to ride the cc again.
  • @tomarends6852
    Een helder en toegankelijk betoog, waarin de levensfasen waarmee het vrachtautootje in die periode (tussen 40 en 60) beladen wordt, goed geduid worden. Ook voor iemand die niet zozeer door de midlife crisis werd geraakt, toch zinvol om er op deze wijze mee geconfronteerd te worden. Deze prima presentatie, werd nog versterkt door de ondertiteling (!). Oude mannen zoals ondergetekende kunnen het gesprokene lang niet altijd goed verstaan …… TomA