This Custom Officer was Jailed for Being Honest | Project Justice | Episode 2

Meet Jahanzaib Khilji, a former custom officer who served in Balochistan, was convicted for his wife’s murder who is alive. Known for his honesty while dealing with high-profile cases, he served many years of his life in jail despite being innocent.

TCM presents ‘Project Justice’, stories of Pakistanis who are fighting in the court for many years to get justice. From their families being murdered to spending numerous years in jail for crimes they didn’t commit, these individuals tell tales of how they became warriors.

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コメント (21)
  • He’s my uncle and I know him, he will never give up until he get justice.
  • Once i met a custom officer. I still remember his words that if you remain honest at your job this system will make an example of you for other. And here i see an honest officer being made an example for others who would try to be honest at their jobs.
  • I'm shattered. He's so strong that he's still stable to tell all this. May Allah gives him jaza for his deed and let karma face those corrupt officers.
  • @Fly_high138
    How good your parents were who raised you with high standards. Allah really rewards your family.
  • Aashir Azeem has shared his story in one of his vlogs. May Allah bless his Aakhirah for what he suffered in this world.
  • I have huge respect for this man. May ALLAH create ease for him and make his access to justice smooth and speedy.
  • He was a custom officer still those corrupt police officials managed to made false allegations and imprisoned him for years. Just imagine what they do with innocent civilians
  • When 90% society is dishonest it becomes norm and in this society an honest person is a problem...
  • Thank you TCM for bringing such contents in notice of general public. Main stream media won’t show such content
  • What a Jihad against Systemic Financial and Moral Corruption!! Salute to him and his family who suffered this long! But with constant striving and patience, he has passed his life's test, and inshaAllah will be rewarded bountiful in the hereafter! As for this world, the police and judicial systems of most countries are full of culprits awaiting their ultimate doom.
  • @Peegham
    I salute you Sir. Thanks to Allah , I left this injustice land 40 years ago, and I have nothing to do with this country. Where an honorable man can't perform his duties honestly.
  • Ashir Azeem he is talking about is the guy who made and wrote movie Maalik and drama Dhuwan. Sadly he left Pakistan because of the same reasons and lives in Canada now.
  • @AJ-I
    Subhan Allah, no words for this system! I don't think Mr Jahanzeb will get justice in his lifetime, only Allah will reward him for his patience. May Allah give his children a successful life in this world and hereafter. Aameen
  • My father once was a custom inspector and now he's is FBR as a Cheif Comissioner Multan! He used to tell us exact stories...!💔
  • @kabeerfcc4153
    Honest people are punshed always in the society of disonest people, because dishonest people are afraid of them. Salute to this Hero.
  • @mali2640
    I feel so sad and ashamed that Pakistani legal system let an honest, sincere and a hard working individual treated this way. I am sorry for what you have gone through, sir!
  • Unsung hero of Pakistan being punished for fighting against mafia in Balochistan . This is the price of standing for truth 😢
  • @bm635csi
    I think people should make collection of funds for this man and others like him. Am sure people around the world will help. The righteous should be supported!