1 Christian vs 2 Jehovah's Witnesses: Is Jesus Created or Eternal?

Published 2022-11-30

All Comments (21)
  • @galaaxcy
    As Former Jehovah’s Witness I thank you so much for being kind and patient with these brothers. I can tell u from experience they rlly dont know any better and believe that Jesus is a created being and It’s no more than ignorance and brainwashing from the JW Organization, but believe me they are amazing people and rlly do mean well even if the things taught from their Bibles have been warped.. ❤️‍🩹this video was pure class man keep it up in Jesus name 🙏🏾
  • @helperofman
    Even though Satan tried to stop it, seeds we’re definitely planted. Great work brother.
  • " Now glorify Me , My Father , in union with Yourself , in that glory which I had union with You before the universe was "
  • This is really good to keep a conversation this long with JW without them feeling attacked.. well done Avery!
  • Amazing teaching may the seed you planted in them about the truth of Jesus grow in them in Jesus Christ name Amen
  • @blugordon7808
    Avery, you are amazing at teaching the Bible without being insulting. That makes the interaction last longer that way, NICE JOB!!
  • The Father is greater than I, he was speaking as a man, in the flesh, as he is fully God and fully man. All things are possible with God.
  • It's time to educate these false witnesses and show them true witnesses of the gospel,good work God logic, glory to the most high
  • @sequoias
    i am a native new yorker---u are the most amazing person. i am a xjw born-in. left at 22, i am 57. when i actually tried to speak to someone, well it really didn't happen. we were taught to actually walk along side the same person as they walked and speak to them. we got alot of excercise during all that walking and talking. back in 1980, ny was a totally different animal to the way it is now. i wish i had known my husband back then so he could watch me!!! u have great confidence. my name is choe, and jim is hubby. now i plead the blood. much love sent.
  • 16:41 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came so that they would have life, and have it abundantly.” ‭‭John‬ ‭10:10‬ ‭‬‬
  • @mramirez5239
    I love how you did not railroad him when the JW's needed to say something. We can't learn from you about how to approach this in real time if we don't hear the opposing arguments. Also, respect for just parting ways when they got their little signal to stop engaging. I've seen other street apologists try to call them out for that and ask why and that's pointless to do that-that's turning into a jerk. I appreciate your approach.
  • @JayKingsKid
    wwow...God bless you Avery. The Lord really has opened your understanding on John 1:1-3. GOD BLESS YOU SIR
  • @wacerahchege8
    They didn't like the camera 🤓. I liked the argument about the first born. Keep the good work for the glory our our Triune God.
  • @dylanx9327
    "Who is the liar? Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Whoever denies the Father and the Son, this is the antichrist."
  • I need your patience Avery. I've been prayerfully watching your videos and hope I'll be this patient.
  • @salsalazar9063
    I just love your approach with love, gentlemess, and kindness in a "student" manner.