A Call for All Polytheists and Witches to Unite in this Time of Crisis

I know we are all anxious right now with what's going on with the Covid-19 virus, and those of us who are empaths are feeling the anxiety of the collective as well as our own. Its a scary time and we have to try not to give into that fear. We need to be good to our fellow man at times like this (even if we are practicing social distancing while doing so, lol!). If you practice magic, or pray, please join me every night until the new moon in visualizing an end to the suffering caused by this plague.

Chime Candle Set from Amazon: www.amazon.com/Spell-Candles-40-Shipping-Charge/dp…

Eir prayer card from Wryd curiosities: www.etsy.com/listing/260146488/eir-standing-prayer…

This is an old ritual I wrote years ago, honoring Asklepios, Son of Apollo, one of the Greek Gods of Healing. Anyone who wishes may use it: templeofathena.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/asklepeiea…

Two Prayers for Healing, By Galina Krasskova

And I didnt know when I recorded this video, but Galina is holding a contest on her blog to win the healing God prayer card sets, by writing prayers or creating art in honor of ANY of the Healing  Deities. We need Their assistance now more than ever, and it's a great way to also keep them at the forefront of our minds. I love the idea and I will definitely be entering. More information available on her post here: krasskova.wordpress.com/2020/03/18/giveaway-healin…

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  • Can polytheists of World ever unite to fight against Monotheists Intellectually?