Why the Game Boy Micro failed

Published 2018-03-26
The last Game Boy ever, the Game Boy Micro, was sadly an abject failure -- selling less than the infamous Nokia N Gage. But why did people decide not to buy this tiny Game Boy?

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All Comments (21)
  • @violetaroo1
    I had a friend who had a GB micro and a shiny new copy of harry potter and the chamber of secrets. At the time it was the coolest thing I had ever seen in my life, I really wanted one, I cried to my parents for one... never got one. Then Christmas came, and my parents got me a DS Lite. Apparently, they tried to get me a GB micro, but the guy in the store convinced them to get a DS because it was the new console. I'm really happy they did that...
  • @MrMario2011
    Thrown right into the garbage? Oh man, the regret.
  • @Scizor-Squad
    My GAMEBOY micro is one of my most treasured collectibles, and whenever I revisit any Pokémon from GBA era I play them on the micro
  • @Russianbro777
    Micro isn't horrible, I bought it when in military and it was very easy to store.
  • @Kevin-vt2ve
    now its the opposite.... you can pick up a ds lite for 25 dollars and a micro for 100+ dollars
  • @LeleJackMusic
    Agh, my heart actually stopped for a second when you said you threw your console in the garbage. 😳
  • @astraldirectrix
    I remember my friend had one of these in 2008 or so, and I thought “It’s so tiny, it would make a great keychain...!”
  • @KarimJovian
    I thought I was bad by just not caring about my stuff back then (which i regret now, so many rares damaged and stolen) BUT THE GARBAGE?!?!?!?! DUDE WTF!?!??!?!? lmao I always wanted a gameboy micro
  • You may not know this but the gameboy micro was actually very popular in India when it came , since it was ridiculously cheap , around 30~40$ . Almost every one my friend had one of these
  • @s60416
    Back in high school me and a friend bought gameboy micro because it's so small that it's easy to play during class without getting caught...good times XD
  • @BigManTate7364
    I will never understand the mindset of throwing out a working piece of technology, especially one that costs more than 10 dollars. Some of my friends are this way, one in particular threw out multiple 3DS's, anime box sets, games, and even a gaming laptop over the years because he's "not materialistic" and couldn't be bothered to give things away when he wants to move on to the next adventure in his life. At least give it away people! My regret is breaking a few of my old things with friends who convinced me it would be fun to smash them with sledge hammers. What was I thinking....
  • @iamsemjaza
    Tell yourself this story: In some lonely dump, a poor kid is scrounging for fun, when he happens upon your discarded Gameboy Micro, the games, the charger, EVERYTHING! He'd never even had action figures before, but now he has a Gameboy!! It's a treasure that he keeps close to him as he works hard and builds himself up in his life, both the gameboy itself and the memory.
  • @yiffytimes
    Throwing away a handheld and games?!!! Plead temporary insanity
  • @radiocaf
    I threw away my PSP for the same minimalist ideology... Massive regrets now.
  • @alekm5201
    OH MY GOD! I actually found a Gameboy micro in the dumpster of my apartment complex once. In my youth I used to go dumpster diving. I never really found anything but what kept me going was finding the Gameboy micro in the trash. The battery lasted about a month after I found it, at which point I sold it cause I didn't have a charger. Im mad too because I wish I still had it.
  • @kevboard
    the hardware inside the Micro is actually backwards compatible. other GBA models had a small plastic switch inside the cartridge slot to switch the hardware into GBC mode (they couldn't figure out a software solution so they went that route) the Micro doesn't have such a switch, and therefore cant switch into GBC mode. hacking it tho can make it backwards compatible, but that's not practical to do really... but it works
  • @MeatPopsycle
    I have one of these sitting in front of me right now, but I don't know where the charger is. This is my FAVORITE gameboy style, by far. I was able to get 10 of these at $20/each at the PX on post in Korea. I gave them as gifts to everyone.
  • @kittycollins61
    I love my little micro but do you know what’s really REALLY annoying??? The speaker!!!!! Every time you press the a and b buttons your thumb goes over the speaker and it makes a really annoying noise arghhhhh like you’re scratching the inside of your ear- that’s what it sounds like!! Argh!!! But I do love how heavy it feels and it’s metal casing, so nice
  • @PauldeVries
    I bought the Micro to play Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission. I found the screen was outstanding for it's size. I at least sold my original silver one years ago, but managed to get a Blue one for cheap. Still loving playing it.