The Anatomy of Sephiroth

Publicado 2024-05-02

Todos los comentarios (19)
  • For the life of me I can't figure out why people keep saying he had a superiority complex. He was actually quite stoic and thoughtful, quiet and watchful, humble and compassionate. Even in his "insanity", he's still a soldier, sworn to duty, and how he interprets it is he's the one to save the planet from humans. Thats his duty to the planet. Crisis Core has him literally telling Genesis that him wanting to be a hero is petty, that he could have the title. Sephiroth never cared about being better than anyone else, in fact all he ever said he wanted was a normal life. He knew he was different, special, but he never said "better". Don't forget that the real Sephiroth is in the northern crater, the many sightings of Sephiroth's form is Jenova. Anyway, unless I've missed something I don't see how Sephiroth has a superiority complex. Maybe I have it wrong, who knows. Other than that the video was phenomenal ❤❤❤ really enjoyed this
  • @Tootongtaoako
    You are one of the very few who analyzed sephiroth and was able to connect him to Kojiro. Even sword tube channels would try to analyze if the Masamune can be weilded without even taking into consideration that Sephiroth was based on Kojiro and his washer man's pole nodachi. Never mind that Kojiro might not even be real but when you are going to analyze a character and his weapon at least know his lore. Thank you for the nice video.
  • @vincentlo8693
    Anatomy of Sephiroth: - Tall - Excellent physique - Luscious hair - Looooooooong sword
  • @vooum
    W video man. Love your style dude.
  • @thebigdood
    Commenting for the algorithm. Love your videos man you deserve alot more attention wish you the best
  • @resu7225
    Would love to see one for kratos
  • @HamZero
    Nice video. Would be awesome if you could do a video about a soulsborne game!
  • Advent Children’s director is Tetsuya Nomura not Kitase. Kitase did produce it though.
  • Fun Fact: back in the day George Newbern did a movie about a dinosaur that was a cop working alongside Whoopi Goldberg's character, that movie was Theodore Rex and it's one of the most terrible movies I have ever seen 😂😂😂 But finding out it was the George Newbern, the man who voiced Sephiroth after Kingdom Hearts 1 miscast with Lance Bass and the dude who plays Mevyn Nooj in Final Fantasy X-2
  • @jamesgravil9162
    Just how tall is Sephiroth exactly? He's supposed to be 6 foot 1 which isn't that tall (it's the same height as me), but at times he looks closer to 7 foot!
  • @olserknam
    You seem like an aspiring video essayist, so I guess I'll drop my two cents about the video. At first, it seemed well-structured and well-researched with you talking about the connection between ancient samurai and the Sephiroth/Cloud rivalry, as well as the broad ideological theme underlying the connection... But then the video seems to devolve into just reciting random facts about Sephiroth. You mention his sword, the inspiration behind the name, and the notion that it's a crucial part of his characterization... Okay? But what point are you trying to make here? Why bring the sword up at all? What would the video lose without it? And the second section is in a similar vein. It's titled "Characterization" but you mostly just keep reciting trivia about Sephiroth's development. What point are you trying to make here? Would your narrative lose anything without going over the voice actors? And this section doesn't really go over his actual characterization in the story, i.e., the actions that define his character. You just gave a brief synopsis of this in the first section, and then briefly mention the themes of the character in the final section. Wouldn't it be better if you dedicated the meat of the video to actually talking about how these themes manifest themselves in the story through what the character does? Not reciting the plot, but thinking about how his specific actions fit into the ideas of his character and the the story. Also, a few petty complaints about wording: - "level-headed person with a superiority complex" is a bit of an oxymoron, don't you think? - repeating the same wording several times in a short timespan ("force of nature" in this case) always makes it look like the creator is running out of things to say Don't take this personally and don't feel down from my criticism, especially since you yourself mention struggling with this video. I advise you to just be mindful about how you structure your essay and always ask yourself what is the overall point of the section and whether you supported it well with the examples or reasons you give. If something seems like it doesn't have anything to do with the point, maybe put it in a separate place or cut it altogether. Okay, I'm gonna stop more before I start sounding even more like a college professor. I'm sure that with enough practice, writing video essays will become easier and you will get the hang of them.